Tuesday, February 13, 2018

You Can't Always Get What You Want

but if you try sometimes, you get what you need

ever since I commented on how pretty Kim Jo of North Korea is, slants have been following me..look, I meant the Princess no disrespect so relax...go have some chop suey

and I haven't been paying much attention to the SB City Council meetings due to the disasters that have befallen us...but as things start to calm down, I see the council is engaged in a food fight...Jason Dominguez doesn't like the new mayor Cathy Murillo and is trying to trip her up...Jason, may I remind you that Cathy beat conservative  Frank Hotchkiss and Frank was supported by a fat barrel of monkey ink known as the News-Press and still he lost...

Jason may want to continue to chase his tail, but Cathy is mayor until you unseat her...

so the issue is SBCAG and who should sit on the Board to represent the City of Santa Barbara..of course, the Mayor should...the only one of the council elected at-large..
remember the threats of lawsuits over district elections? well, now they got district elections which gives the Mayor a ton more power and they forgot to factor that in...I mean district elections in a small city are stupid, but the Mexicans got what they wanted...and now it appears they don't want it...but Jason Dominguez isn't really an authentic Mexican is he? he's about as Mexican as Gregg Hart who's ditching the council for a county BOS run!!

so Jason is acting like a brat and now we got realtor/lawyer John Thyne threatening a lawsuit to put Jason on SBCAG..but Jason represents the east side, a small district made even smaller because most folks who live there are illegals, drug addicts or gang members! according to  conservatives anyway

Now you get this straight! We don’t want any more of these promiscuous lawsuits around here.....Somebody is likely to get hurt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

slants? it's 2018btw