Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Buy For Me The Rain

I cannot buy you happiness, I cannot by you years;
I cannot buy you happiness, in place of all the tears.
But I can buy for you a gravestone, to lay behind your head.
Gravestones cheer the living, dear, they're no use to the dead.

I do not know what has become of the Santa Barbara City Council..they won't water the lawn at De La Guerra Plaza..pair that with the ratty looking News-Press building and it looks like Tijuana down there!

ok we're in a drought so ship some water in or use desal or can't always wait for rain.... you can rent the rain but you cannot buy the rain

and this cat Jason Dominguez acts like a two-year old throwing temper tantrums all the appears the mayor wanted the council to gather at the the airport to learn team building skills and Jason boycotted the's like Charlie Brown and Lucy with these two!! build that team, mayor!!

and straws!! why is the city wasting time trying to ban straws?? everybody likes straws!! and how would you enforce such a ban? use the police? have a "straw abuse hotline"?

and pop up shops are all the rage to get State St moving again...not gonna work..there's only one pop up that ever worked and that was the YES Store...every holiday season you could go down and buy some neat hippie stuff for your loved had a good vibe and you didn't need to get high or drunk to go there

the YES store...those days are gone forever I'm afraid but you can wait in line for days for a new Iphone from Apple!!

things are getting spooky at City Hall

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