Friday, March 22, 2019

Heather Honey

oh Heather honey..warm as the sunshine

ok so EDHAT is down and the Independent changed everything around so that only a second-grader could understand it...but I still got KEYT..remember, the station that endorsed psycho Trump

and...KTYD is not laundering MONEY by Pink Floyd anymore!! awesome!

KEYT had a story about non-native plants...Beth says it's a botany lesson for us and essentially all the rain we got will allow non-native plants to take seed and become a FIRE PROBLEM!!

huh? the Thomas Fire burned everything in its path..natives, non-natives, cars, houses people..non-native plants are not more susceptible to fire than natives..that's a myth propagated by the biodiversity nuts...bionativism is a pseudo-science and has nothing to do with botany

KEYT's source for the story was some college kid name'o Heather, from the SB Botanical know the place where the dogs bite, the beer flows like wine, and  beautiful women instinctively flock there like the salmon of Capistrano...only recently did the BG become a native-only's when the conservatives took over and they don't like ANYTHING FOREIGN!!

the gal says the non-natives will grow and they are are the natives, deary

the wildflowers are gonna be awesome this spring and we don't need these plant Nazis demonizing plants they think aren't native  to the region and dreaming up myths about the dangers of fennel

the folks at the Botanic Garden are not botanists, they are horticulturists and there's a big difference..they want to keep out all the weeds and manicure the wild:  Working in landscaping or nurseries, horticulturists are responsible for growing and monitoring plants. They work either outside or in greenhouses, carefully identifying and caring for a variety of plants and flowers. When landscaping, they may have to work with chemicals and large lawn care equipment. They also use chemicals and fertilizers to help plants and grasses flourish. Many are trained on the job, as being hands-on is necessary in this field.

Plants and soil are in the realm of botanists. Often focusing on one type of plant, whether algae growing in water or evergreen trees in forests, botanists discover and inventory flora. This requires working in the field, but they also conduct studies in laboratories. Often working for government agencies, they strive to ensure the National Environment Policy Act is closely followed.

so enjoy the wildflowers and don't fret about non-existential threats or conspiracy theories

Mother Nature moved those seeds and where they land is where she wanted them to land...

She is in control here

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