Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Pretender

say a prayer for the Pretender

so I'm reading the news and I see some stuff about Hollister Ranch...up north some folks live in a gated community..mostly rich and singer Jackson Brown lives there still I think...even Darryl Genis lived there..remember Darryl, the DUI atty who protected drunk drivers..well now Darryl lives in the pokey..the Graybar Hotel..the Slammer

but the issue is beach access..should the public have the right to the same beach as Jackson Brown? or film director James Cameron (Titanic)?

Wendy tried to keep the little people off her beach too in Hope Ranch..but it's not her beach even though she thinks it is because she's entitled...super-rich from divorce..never worked a day in her fat little life

I don't mind people at the beach at all...on the east coast there's people everywhere and hey we're all equal except some they more equal than others

the California Coast belongs to the people of California, not just a few wealthy hermits so public access must be allowed

to all us happy idiots

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