Thursday, March 14, 2019

Mother Nature's Son

sit beside a mountain stream, see her waters rise

but not to the extent you'd need to put in ring nets!!

are people starting to see the stupidity of putting up chain ring nets in the creeks to catch debris? it seems that the non-profit project is a go since it's on private property, funded by wealthy Montecitans who don't understand Nature....

The Partnership for Resilient Communities (PFRC) is a Montecito-based, non-profit 501(c)(3) formed to collaborate with the County of Santa Barbara in a public/private partnership to do whatever it takes to avoid a repeat of the January 9 destruction.

The group includes former city fire chief Pat McElroy, Montecito Planning Commissioner and attorney Joe Cole (who is also a minority shareholder of the Santa Barbara Independent), political consultant Mary Rose, former Montecito Union school board trustee and entrepreneur Brett Matthews, and husband-and-wife screenwriters Les Firestein and Gwyn ...

Joe Cole..ex News-Press flunkie and now Independent flunkie! 

but I am seeing some more media coverage questioning the wisdom of the nets..hard metal chain link nets across the creeks...

ok, some people were shell-shocked by the Thomas Fire and floods, but nets would not have prevented the death and can't stop tornadoes or hurricanes and you can't stop floods or fires which are needed for regeneration

so the nets will do nothing because the big rains have gone...the nets may plug with debris and cause the creeks to overflow the banks and flood the homes and streets and wash some cars away..the nets won't save any lives

the nets will catch wild animals..a hawk sweeping down to get a squirrel may run into the net...even a dog hiking with its owner may get caught...

how could you live with yourself knowing a dog got injured by the nets??

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