The Botanic Garden sustained some damage in the Jesusita Fire, but most of the damage has come from the board of directors, which is comprised of gypsies, tramps and thieves! Secretive and smarmy, these folks have tried to turn the SBBG into a big development...new and bigger buildings, more social events, building without permits and other criminal-type behavior....lofty development plans in high fire areas like Mission Canyon is stupid..there should be a moritorium for at least a year..
the SBBG Board of Trustees has failed Santa Barbara while making a few members rich....the question to ask these folks if they ever open their meetings is: what is it exactly that you people do?
the governator's new bright ideer is to sell off California's historical assets like the Ventura County Fairgrounds, the Cow Palace, the LA Coliseum...in a buyer's market no less..the state owns these properties so the people can enjoy them..if he sells them, private buyers will destroy them...guaranteed...
here's a picture of Carrie Prejean....a California girl without a brain, but who cares...I needed a picture to balance the other one!
The Wizard of Sara...
Hey.. I wonder if Sara De La Guerra looks anything like Miss California??? she kept us guessing right to the end....and helped to expose the News-Press owners for what they are..con artists!
justice is a lady.....
Cage Fighting is for the children of course. But if the "non-profit" Earl Warren Showgrounds can't spruce up the place with some nice equestrian greens and more gracious equestrian venues the Governor should sell that place too. The fire fighters can do their bi-annual reunion at La Cumbre and Loreto Plazas parking lots. Now that would be a community coming together. Besides we could use a few more parcels property tax paying parcels.
Here's a non profit http://www.sbfirefightersalliance.org/events-photos.html
Another socialites grab-ass Coral Casino cotillion charity. Soon to be wrought with corruption a la the Sheriff's Council. The rich obtaining tax deductions for their favorite alcoholic and emotional driven donation scheme for the brotherhood. How do you say mafia in spanish?
the SBFIREFIGHTERSALLIANCE has not yet sunk to the country club/fraud/in-fighting/incompetence level of the Sheriff's Council..or other local nonprofits...however,I'll be watching them should the winds shift...
Can we all just be honest about the fact that SLDG is a man now? And his wife is way hotter than him?
mick is confused and wears womens panties...why should we care what he says about miss CA?
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