oh sinners let's go down, down to the river and pray...

ever see that movie
Holes with cabaret gal Eartha Kitt, Sigourney Weaver and Jon Voight...it was pretty good...they are both great actors but I'm puzzled by Voight, who is a teabagger. His politics are right wing whacked and he sounds like an idiot when he speaks political-eze..I think he does it to annoy his daughter
Angelina Jolie, who's a lib and who, it seems, is taking over the void that
Mother Teresa left. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the world went to hell when Mother died..I think even some of the terrorists liked her..she was a true Christian, not some hack trying to pick my pocket! So if
Mother Angelina can take her place and continue her mission in a sexier way, I

say go for it!
Now, that brings me to
Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor of California, put there by some of you rightwing jackasses..but that's water under the bridge and if we play our cards right, no more righties will besmirch our great state of California. Even Meg, who so far has shelled out $60 million to be governor, has underestimated the voters...but back to Arnold...he will leave the governorship and live in Carp with Maria and as long as they keep a low profile like a couple of coyotes, I don't mind. I have noticed a house rising in the
Rancho Monte Alegre hills and I bet it's Arnold's

and Maria's! It's cool! I'll be checking it out closer in the future..
and finally, Caltrans is digging more holes at the little Reynolds Ave off-ramp island...I watched them dig holes, and fill them, dig holes and fill them, dig holes and fill them...
with my tax dollars!!!
CalTrans is preparing for overpass demolition and reconstruction to accommodate freeway widening. Carpinteria will be a mess for for years and year, a couple of decades and then permanent negative transformation. Makes sense for the 'keep LA a hundred miles away' crowd to lobby for freeway widening. But they're the self absorbed types that would vote for a terminator or a meg for gobernador.
"permanent negative transformation".. I don't like the sound of that..not one little bit!
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