Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Play With Fire

But you'd better watch your step, girl
Or start living with your mother
So don't play with me, cause you're playing with fire

so I see a smoky haze over the ocean looks to be coming from Santa Cruz Island, home of the inbred retarded little Channel Island fox...they saved the fox, killed thousands of animals and now the islands are over-run with foxes!!

news reports say it was a controlled burn that spun out of control..from 20 acres now up to 250 acres

hmmmmm...we  got the National Parks Service and Nature Conservancy, both guilty of animal abuse and cruelty, and now they can't even manage a controlled burn....hmmmm..I wonder if this is an attempt to kill the excess foxes or burn out the invasive and non-native species they hate so much....I bet it is-yup-they are burning eucalyptus trees...on the islands, they can get away with anything because the mainlanders don't care...but maybe one day the citizenry will see what a joke the NPA and Nature Con are

so the news reports always favor the NPS and won't reveal all the gory details, but I wonder how many foxes got fried in this bungled burn?

the eucs are perfect for the bald eagles and other raptors, but because of the nativists they are being burned!! it is just so stupid

GODDMIT....the NPS and Nature Conservancy should be horsewhipped and for Pete's Sake should LEAVE THE EUCALYPTUS  TREES ALONE!!!

now the fire has grown to over 250 acres!! ..I wonder how many native plants will burn and I wonder how many animals they will kill this time


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