Wednesday, August 15, 2018

From Here to Eternity

I wish I didn't love ya; maybe I can enjoy life again.

it's hard to figure out stuff in today's world..transgender governors, cannabis farms, climate change, emotional support animals

and  take for example Frank Hotchkiss, ex SB City Council guy who lost his last shot as mayor and fled to Savannah, Georgia to become a riverboat cap't...but I read in Noozhack that Frank sold his SB home to Marymount, the religious compound by the Mission..Marymount paid around $1.5 mill and will use it to provide housing for the new headmaster

let's see, it's costs $22000/year tuition and Rob Lowe's kids went there which is reason enough for me to be suspicious..Marymount has always been a it a religious school or not..I've seen nuns up there..uh, not up there but up there

the web says: Marymount of Santa Barbara is a coeducational private Catholic traditional school for students in grades Pre-K through 8

and I keep hearing about the Catholic church protecting pedophile priests, the latest in Pennsylvania...when VP and devout Christian Mike Pence was governor of Indiana, he apparently looked the other way while catholic priests were molesting kids in Pennsylvania

the main reason Catholics are against abortion is it cuts down the supply of children for the priests to abuse...what a bunch of sick fucks.. DEATH TO  CHILD ABUSERS..goddamn cowards!!!

I gotta head to the beach to clear my head

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