Friday, August 3, 2018

Takin' It to the Street

I don't like what I think I see

taking a page from the IRS telephone scammers book (a warrant is out for your arrest unless you pay now!!), the real IRS invaded Santa Barbara to crack down on confetti egg sellers...the Cascarone Caper

ok, so they're not really the IRS, but the California Dept of Tax and Fee Administration which in my view is about the same..IRS wannabes!!

I saw this story and couldn't believe it..jack-booted gov't thugs trying to scare Fiesta Mexicans..they didn't bother the white chicks selling boutique clothes in booths...

apparently, the egg sellers need permits and tax info for the (IRS) like the little girl selling lemonade on the street corner on a hot summer's day..


it's just silly and the (IRS wannabe) guys who raided SB should be FIRED!! 


if permits are needed then a blanket permit should be issued to street sellers and the (IRS wannabes) needs to communicate with the city on these issues, not just come in and harass people like the Nazis!!?? WTF???

the SB cops managed to calm the IRS wannabes down and shoo them away til next year so folks can enjoy the party..

but the SB City Council needs to send a letter to the IRS wannabes demanding an some balls for once...some leadership, Madame Mayor

the IRS is cracked

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