Wednesday, February 13, 2019

I Need To Know

need to know

now I've seen these chicks in the news but KEYT had a segment on them as the new faces of cannabis growers in Carpinteria...they head KOPSUN and tell of all the wonders of using pot...

they wouldn't give out the address of the pot grow facility for security reasons, but I think the public has a right to know..I think it's up on Foothill by the B and H Flowers place.. I think

one gal says it helped her dad with cancer pain..most folks with advanced stages of cancer are on a morphine-drip for pain..then they I guess they should be allowed to pick their drug of choice but drug use should never be recreational...drug use is a psychological problem..if you need drugs to make you happy you'll end up like that surfer dude who died after falling off the bluffs at Hendry's....turns out he was a methhead...happy??

ok so KOPSUN has a website and they hold little "educational" pot parties..whatever happened to Tupperware parties??

"Our monthly Leaf Learning at Carpinteria Woman’s Club on the last Wednesday of the month at 5pm.  

Feb. 27th is the next public Leaf Learning, and consider yourself invited.  Scheduled panelists are Dr. Margaret Peterson,
pharmacist Dr. Connie McLaughlin-Miley, cultivator Autumn Shelton, and consultant Liz Rogan. There will be plenty of time for Q&A (though it seems there is never enough time to answer all the questions). Feel free to let us know what you like to learn. 

pharmacist Dr. Connie McLaughlin-Miley?? 


Constance Jean Mclaughlin-Miley, R.Ph -Administrative

Complaint MOTION by Smeelink, seconded by Stevenson, to suspend Respondent's license for a minimum of one (1) day.

Constance Jean Mclaughlin-Miley, R.Ph -Administrative Complaint
MOTION by Smeelink, seconded by Stevenson, to suspend Respondent's license for a
minimum of one (1) day. If within six (6) months Respondent provides evidence of having completed thirty (30) hours of Board-accepted continuing education credit,
including ten (10) hours of live instruction and one (1) hour in the area of pain management, Respondent's license shall be automatically reinstated. If license remains suspended for more than six (6) months, Respondent must petition for reinstatement, in the matter Constance Jean Mclaughlin-Miley, R.Ph

ok, here's my question ...I'd like to know why Connie lagged so badly in Michigan that disciplinary action was brought against her

ladies, don't piss down my back and tell me that it's raining

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