Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Touch Me

c'mon c'mon c'mon now touch me babe

I got a foot massage by a lady once but since she had no arms, what choice did I have?

it seems like I need to take a shower every time I read the news...everything is so dirty...dirty massages, dirty politics, rain dirty valleys....

but spring is coming and that means spring cleaning

well it looks like Kevin Costner sold his house on Padaro Lane for $32000000...  I think he paid around $22000000 10 years ago so a cool 10 mil profit minus expenses!! the original asking price was around 60 mill but that wasn't realistic

really cool bluff top property and the new owner is ready to build a new house...a big new house

so a train got stuck for a few days in Oregon in the snow...crews cleared a big tree that had fallen on the tracks..took a few days so the folks stayed on the train..they had food and some slept in the seats with blankets for all...cozy!! I would have enjoyed the adventure

I don't watch the Oscars not for political reasons, but I just don't know who those people are on stage

so I see some cannabis growers in Oxnard donated money for beds for the homeless...these growers are trying to improve their image but the homeless people, some strung out on drugs, getting beds from drug dealers is just absurd and Oxnard accepting the cash, the dirty money, is just plain lazy

there's nothing normal about taking a hallucinogen for recreation...it's just stupid

and a dirty way to live

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