Tuesday, June 23, 2020

It Doesn't Matter

it's nothing but dreaming anyhow


when white folks hear BLM, they always cry "what about white lives, what about all lives, what about blue lives??"

well, what about them?

the issue is cops killing black people...that's what's going on and that is where the focus should be

the pity of this is there's been no leadership from Trump because he is an imbecile...God Forbid he gets re-elected...America can't afford four more years of this clown

if Trump was the president, he would have addressed the American people from the Oval Office and gone through the issues intelligently..but that won't happen


now we got morons pulling down statues and monuments without any consideration of the context...don't they teach history anymore in school?? the Civil War? the blood lost on American soil?? statues of confederate soldiers depict an important part of American history that should not be feared...

a sense of reverence will be yours when you travel through the south and see the battlegrounds, the flags, the monuments

remember: it's only ok to tear down monuments in other countries after we invade... like Iraq!

for those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

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