Thursday, June 11, 2020

Sometimes Good Guys Don't Wear White

but tell your mama and your papa...sometimes good guys don't wear white

ok you little faggots..listen up..I won't stand for censorship..go ahead, call me a cracker..I don't metal hair music from the 1970s?  big deal

sometimes cops get lucky!!

hey, I was just kidding about 'Gone with the Wind'...these things need to be looked at in the proper historical context

is Santa Barbara open yet? I haven't been in a coon's age but I don't want Mayor Murrillo hiding behind a tree to jump out and tell me to put a mask on...

I don't like this leg hold at all...the carotid artery???

'The carotid arteries are major blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain, neck, and face.'

I now know this is a method to subdue someone that some cops use...but messing with the carotid artery by kneeling on the neck seems so inhumane, so lacking in justification...just so chickenshit...use sweet talk instead

I know State Street is kinda messed up..the restaurants are moving people onto the sidewalks to eat and moving pedestrians into the street...

so I guess no cars are allowed..used to be a homeless guy would be arrested for sitting on a bench on a State St. sidewalk, but now he may just walk up and sit down to lunch with you 

long as he ain't black

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