Monday, June 8, 2020

My Fair Share

Justice is a lady, lay me down with Justice in a long white gown

drunks are a problem

police reform needs to happen and that means the people have to stop relying on the cops for every little thing...cops have to be baby-sitters, drug counselors, parents, disciplinarians among other's a tough job dealing with so many crazy people on a daily basis

cop car computer

I went on a ride-along with a cop friend once and we did a stake-out, escorted a drunk to jail, cruised State St.. I saw the county and city jails and then to the shooting range in the police quarters basement...that was awesome...BAM BAM BAM...shot the place up very skillfully...the cops  are trained to use lethal force if needed

we cruised State rock stars

so change and refine the job duties, some examples-no more answering domestic violence cases...that's the family's responsibility...I've seen the cops get called multiple times for the same residence! it's ridiculous and very dangerous for the cops and wastes my tax money...stop pulling people over on the highway for a busted tail light...record the car and send them a ticket

I supported the cops when the right-wingers were trying to defund their pensions/benefits..back when the Santa Barbara News-Press tried unsuccessfully to destroy a cop's career because the officer kept busting the wealthy-by-divorce owner's (Wendy McCuckoo) friends for DUI

I will always support the cops

but the cops are not there to protect white people from black people, they are not the KKK, Hell's Angels or the mob goon squad 

that change needs to start from the top down-

get to it

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