Sunday, July 19, 2020

Every Breath You Take

every move you make, every vow you break, I'll be watching you

Sunday's News-Press was a classic QAnon primer...conspiracy theories abounding on the Editorial pages...BLM, the Squad and demonic Democratic forces combining to wipe out America..but you can't paint America with such a broad brush...

Andy Caldwell  complains about the Breathe Act from the Squad but pretty AOC wasn't involved with it...Andy's just a windbag for old, scared Christian Republicans, the kind who swoon when Trump holds up a bible as a prop in front of a church, with a stupid look on his face

Andy will lose his wager against Salud..the prob with the conservatives is they keep sending fringe candidates to compete and only a moderate can win, maybe they will figure it out...what's clear is we need another party made up of moderate, common sense Americans: The Mod Squad!

the Democrats are generally clueless wasting time on plaques and street names and following boozer Gavin Newsom right down the can't stop Covid any more than you can stop the flu by shutting down small businesses

when Trump and the conservatives declare themselves the party of law and order, where were they when Trump was stealing money from Americans  with his phony Trump University and charity?? and why aren't they prosecuting the throngs of people who call me everyday with some illegal scam trying to loot my savings??

well, the conservative socialists are cooking up another "stimulus" scheme...where do they think that money is coming from??

remove Trump and Newsom and the people will clean up the mess they made

one way or another

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