Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Keep On Rockin' in the Free World

we got a thousand points of light

don't worry Earl, I'll protect you if they get any fancy ideas to topple you

all those concerts I saw as a kid, smoking Winstons and trying to be cool...Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, Alice Cooper, the Grass Roots, the Doors, Eric Burdon and the Animals...
and the Horse Shows, carnivals and rodeos...and an animal refuge for fire victims...

Earl Warren Showgrounds is a California Landmark
and everso, it shall remain

now I heard on KTYD that Sambos restaurant is now Chad's ...some black chick with a dog named Rhett Butler decided she was offended by Sambos..HA!!

EDHAT is going crazy deleting comments..censoring the words they don't want me to see..HA!

and what about KTYD? the morning duo keeps calling everyone "the tribe"..the announcer calls everyone the "tribe" but I am not a member of any tribe...I'm a white guy

howz about a little Q&A

Q: When I hear/see people (mostly White people) using the words “tribe” or “spirit animal”, I get this gut feeling of  “Ugh. Please don’t use those words. They are not yours.”
A: Plains Native American here. I really dislike when White people use tribe in reference to their squad/circle because I feel like it white washes Indigenous people and their cultures and traditions.

Chief Mojo

so I think KTYD should change the morning mojo and stop demeaning Native people

and stop playing Poison!!!!

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