Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Whip It

whip it good

what country is this?? America? ok, just checking....I thought it was one of those third world shit-hole countries Trumpski brags about but honestly Lady Liberty, I still can see your pretty face, though nowadays it's getting hard to trace...

the dumbing down of America is concerning..in a dog park, some lady pepper-sprayed a couple who didn't wear masks...Trump is still pushing malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine as a Covid cure...the baseball season started without fans but still the Marlins got the Covid virus!

the right-wingers don't know the difference between anarchy and civil unrest..the gov't will issue more welfare checks while crying about the evils of socialism

Carpinteria jumped on the bandwagon and will close Linden Ave, a major thoroughfare, so restaurants can serve dinner outside, in the cold fog of summer...all this brainless mess due to the idiot Gov issuing orders,the rescinding, then re-issuing..

here's an idea: just open up the goddam city!!!

then we have White House Press Sec Kayleigh explaining why so many FOX NEWS anchors are getting fired for being sex pervs...

when in doubt, whip it out

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