I hadn't been to Cold Springs trail for awhile..so I'll go check it out and hike around like Survivorman and see what kind of people are using MY TRAILS..well, Caltrans is fiddling around with the highway again so I have to use the back streets...thru Montecito I go and...where's all this traffic coming from? Big black BMW SUVs and white Lexus SUVs..WTF is going on? Do I have to check IDs and bank statements to see where all you people get your money? divorce, inheritance, work for it, steal it..I dunno, but it's might suspicious..anyway, I get to the Cold Springs trail, a really lovely place above Montecito...the creeks are flowing with crystal clear water, the air is cool and fragrant..and look, some jerk is walking his dog on the trail! his dog!! If you can't leave home without your dog, then you are sick in the head..then I notice a bunch of trash and junk around the trail entrance, courtesy of the
Montecito Trails
Foundation, obviously made up of a bunch of city slickers...let's see, they got some information about coyotes and bears, some pictures, some fucking business cards, a placard and..what is this bull?? If the
MTF is mucking up the area with this junk, then they should be notified...here's my notice:
KNOCK IT OFF, KNUCKLEHEADS!! I don't need a lesson on wildlife when I hike, I need to see wildlife and less people like you up in the hills!!! PISS ON YOU!! remove this crap NOW!!
Next, I see a
Fish and Game notice on a stick:
No Fishing!! WTF is that about...normally, I'll support F&G, except when they do stupid things like this...there's no fish here, I've seen some water snakes and frogs, but no fish..what do they think? that this a major

steelhead run?? I'll fish wherever I damn well please!! who do these people think they are???
Next, I see a couple of gang members parked in a silver Nissan, rap playing on the radio..I sneak up beside the car and start taking pictures of the scenery..they got all paranoid and took off...ratatat..ratatat..that's what their punky car sounded like!!
We really need to improve the quality of people that come up here...be like John Denver, Edward Abbey or Survivorman, not like the Montecito Trails Foundation trolls....
Geez, you're grouchy these days. Mick, do you need a girlfriend?
listen youngster..I got plenty of girlfriends..what I need is accountability from these jackasses!
What kind of moron needs operating instructions to take a hike? I guess the Montecito kind.
If you don't know that wild animals live in wild places and can bite you - unless 69 has them caged - stay home.
Keep writting Mick, that's what you do best.
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