Friday, March 30, 2018

Lake Marie

we were standing, standing by peaceful waters...

well I was at the Bird Refuge in Santa Barbara the other day and the water was gorgeous blue, the lagoon was full and birds were eveywhere singing happlity.....I thought of Huguette Clark, the heiress who owned the Clark Estate and the Bird Refuge..wisely, Huggie gave the City of Santa Barbara the Bird Refuge to manage and look what they did to it....ripped out all the non-native plants to try and kill the stench from the fluctuating water and oxygen levels but of course that won't solve a thing...with the lagoon full, it looks like a Lake Marie

well, later that night I decided to hold a seance...I heard voices out of nowhere and was trying to summon Huguette to tell her about the estate, Bellosguardo as it's called and how it's in limbo with lawyers, non-profits and officials sitting around with their thumbs up their asses...

Huggie laughed and said don't worry...good will come as sure as the rain comes...

I saw a Tundra swan on those waters..those peaceful waters

oh I-oh I-oh

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Play With Fire

But you'd better watch your step, girl
Or start living with your mother
So don't play with me, cause you're playing with fire

so I see a smoky haze over the ocean looks to be coming from Santa Cruz Island, home of the inbred retarded little Channel Island fox...they saved the fox, killed thousands of animals and now the islands are over-run with foxes!!

news reports say it was a controlled burn that spun out of control..from 20 acres now up to 250 acres

hmmmmm...we  got the National Parks Service and Nature Conservancy, both guilty of animal abuse and cruelty, and now they can't even manage a controlled burn....hmmmm..I wonder if this is an attempt to kill the excess foxes or burn out the invasive and non-native species they hate so much....I bet it is-yup-they are burning eucalyptus trees...on the islands, they can get away with anything because the mainlanders don't care...but maybe one day the citizenry will see what a joke the NPA and Nature Con are

so the news reports always favor the NPS and won't reveal all the gory details, but I wonder how many foxes got fried in this bungled burn?

the eucs are perfect for the bald eagles and other raptors, but because of the nativists they are being burned!! it is just so stupid

GODDMIT....the NPS and Nature Conservancy should be horsewhipped and for Pete's Sake should LEAVE THE EUCALYPTUS  TREES ALONE!!!

now the fire has grown to over 250 acres!! ..I wonder how many native plants will burn and I wonder how many animals they will kill this time


Monday, March 26, 2018

Matchbox Blues

How far to the river, mama, walk down by the sea

speaking of stories the News-Press won't cover, what about Wendy and Nippers's pal #69, Julia up at the Animal Rescue Team in Solvang....I never understood Solvang and I never will

oh wait, the New-Press did cover this one here!! a little blurb on page 3

but according to Noozhawk, Julia was arrested again (costing us taxpayers), this time for assault! she allegedly ran her truck into a neighbor and the cops arrested her next she sits in jail!!

whoa Nelly I always knew she was psycho..she had a fling with ex-Carp councilman Coconut Joe, then she broke it off  and showed up at City Hall during his crucifixion for all his drunk driving arrests...then she marched for the News-Press racists calling Mexican farmworkers "invasive species"..of course Wendy and Nipper contributed lots of cash and publicity to Julia but they never ever have been good judges of character

and when she came up with that story about a blind Coyote, I knew she was bonkers....Blind Lemon Jefferson I understand, but #69? no

Lord, Lord, who may your manager be?
Hey, mama, who may your manager be?
Reason I ask so many questions, can't you make friends match for me?

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Bad to the Bone

the head nurse spoke up, said "leave this one alone"... she could tell right away, I was bad to the bone

so I've stated before my DISGUST with the way the Santa Barbara Botanic Gardens has been run...with beer gardens, dogs running everywhere and native-only plants being pushed above and beyond all other plants...

I was also very concerned that the present CEO and his wife were being sued in civil court for something...PI/PD/WD..personal injury/property damage/wrongful death

these two get free housing at the Botanic Garden I'm told!!

well here's an update on the trial and I'm not surprised that neither the News-Press nor the Independent will cover the story being that they LOVE the Gardens, the dogs, and the beer..but does this trial revolve around the CEO's dogs who maybe ran out of the house and maybe attacked a man and his the guy is suing the Garden???

04/27/2018 11:30 AM 16CV05485 Windhager, Pamme Mickelson * Geck, Donna D SB Dept 4 1) Trial Confirmation Conference Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD (23)
04/27/2018 11:30 AM 16CV05485 Windhager, Steve * Geck, Donna D SB Dept 4 1) Trial Confirmation Conference Unlimited Other PI/PD/WD 

I have very little regard for nonprofits..they are the darlings of the conservatives and conservatives hate government because gov't competes with God and non-profits...and locally there seems to be an incestuous relationship among the folks in charge!!

but the Botanic Garden story is getting interesting....I can't confirm anything because my info comes from little birdies, but I am hearing tales of drunkenness and running non-profts like the Alano Club and Heart's Adaptive into the ground....

so I guess we'll find out in April what is really going on with the lawsuit against the Botanic Garden's Steve Windhager and his wife but I bet the publicity wouldn't be good for this silly event: 
You love to treat your dog, but now your dog can treat you to free admission at the Garden, Saturday, August 12, 9am – 4pm.

While well-behaved dogs on leash are always welcome at the Garden, Trails ‘n’ Tails is a special dog-friendly event that benefits the Garden’s core programs for education, conservation, and horticulture and helps us keep the Garden friendly for dogs and their human companions all year long. 
and we'll see if the local media has the balls to cover the story

Friday, March 23, 2018

Do You Remember the Americans

Kind of makes me wonder, scratch my head and kick the snow
Four years of overseas who are these strangers in my home?

I got a big ask for President Trump....why did you make the big reveal that war-monkey John Bolton would be your next, latest new national security advisor??

I mean OMG what a kook!! when Bush invaded Iraq, Bolton was jerking him off-a big cheerleader...BOMB BOMB we sent in thousands of illegals (Americans) to bomb and kill Iraqi men, women and children...

American illegals invade Iraq

do you remember the Americans... where did they go?

Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Rains Came

rain rain rain rain, ah, my pillow's soaking wet

we had light rain, moderate rain and heavy rains at times, but no real monster rain so I wondered why I, a lowly blogger in Carpinteria, am in the RED EVAC zone...I didn't evacuate because of the old adage: fool me once, my fault; fool me twice, my fault

I surveyed the creeks before and after the rains and they were delightful..I got caught up in the beauty of Carp Creek, a stone's throw away from City Hall which is, curiously, in a non-evac zone...I saw swallowtails, Townsend Warblers, sycamores, hawks, buttercups....stayed for an hour soaking up the sun and flora and fauna...

then when the rains came on Wednesday, Padaro Lane was soaking wet but certainly not flooded...

if I was in Montecito living close to the creeks, I might leave but the January event is gone and done with... a major fire and 200 year rain won't happen again in the same place....

so I never should have been in the RED ZONE....all evacuations should be VOLUNTARY and up to the residents, armed with all the info they need, to leave and they should never expect to be rescued by the gov't...we can't keep running from every drop of rain that comes our way...

the creeks are clear and the rains are good..the hills in a month or so should be filled with poppies...


Sunday, March 18, 2018

4 Dead in Ohio

how many more??

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

I was happy to see this: Republican who called Parkland teen a ‘skinhead lesbian’ drops out of Maine House race...good!! way to go Emma! kicked this dude's ass..Leslie Gibson, Republican, lifelong NRA member and veteran..probably didn't see half the carnage witnessed by the Florida students.. this Leslie guy is an embarrassment to the military and the USA

Emma and Leslie!!

and I don't think Wendy, Nipper or their guest evangelist Andy Caldwell saw anything like the carnage the Florida kids saw..I don't think Wendy, Nipper or Andy even served in the Armed Forces..that's why they are and willing to send your kids off to be killed at the drop of a tin hat

and willing to spend billions of  gov't tax dollars on a wall in the desert to keep Americans safe from Mexicans...yet they can't even keep school kids safe from other sociopathic Americans

so Andy's Sunday Guest Opinion pouts at the audacity of students walking out across America to protest gun violence... demonstrating students strike fear in most messes with their sense of control and authority....back in the day, the National Guard would shoot you for scaring them!

Trump wants to hold the family of any terrorist responsible for killings so why not any American killer, too? hold the family responsible..the parents

today is a new day..the drugs and violence are still here, but the kids are fed up with the likes of Leslie, the NRA and the spineless stooges at the News-Press..

and they've already made an impact

Friday, March 16, 2018

The Shadow of Your Smile

One day we walked along the sand
One day in early spring
You held a piper in your hand
To mend its broken wing

the fire and floods are bringing out lawyers like vultures and everyone is suing Southern California Edison for starting the fire...ok so you might as well sue Mother Nature, too

look, it was a combo of things but mostly it was the dry winds in December spell TROUBLE!!

but after all the fire and fury, I'm happy to see Visiting Nurses and Hospice heap awards on the News-Press for their outstanding coverage, at least that's what the front page story said...the News-Press got the 110% Award from the nurses..then a little farther down the story it says so did everybody else from Noozhawk to  Edhat....

but during the disasters, the only reliable source of info (in Carp anyway) was the radio..the transistor COX TV, no paper, no internet....just the good ol' transistor radio

The News-Press was the worst coverage  of all...even their radio station was bad with the Baron wise-cracking instead of informing....

nurses, hear this: “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.”
― Elizabeth Taylor

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

It's a Beautiful Morning

think I'll go outside for awhile...

gorgeous sunrise with the cold I see frost..the power lines look like glistening icicles...the ocean is so blue..after the rains it's just so nice

today the students are marching for their lives so I headed out to the fields and rivers...took in some fresh air then headed back by Carpinteria High....the kids were organizing a march so I parked and watched and took some pics..waved and cheered them on as they headed toward downtown

some idiot in Maine actually running for a House seat called Emma Gonzalez a "skinheaded lesbian"...the guy's name is Leslie so he probably has some issues...

this is the kind of ignorance these young people face -teabaggers cling to the 2nd Amendment but they can't stand the 1st Amendment

I have no doubt the kids will beat the shit outta these knuckleheads...

Monday, March 12, 2018

Night of the Iguana

Hannah Jelkes: Nothing human disgusts me, Mr. Shannon, unless it's unkind, violent

Florida...what a state! Gov Rick Scott shows some spine and signs into law some small but important gun control's a start but wouldn't you know it the NRA sues him! the feeble-minded old man Wayne LaPierre and his Stepford Wives sidekick Dana Loesche are gun-crazed...Dana, AR-15s are not dildos...

Florida will win the lawsuit and now we can dismantle the NRA which serves no purpose that I can see...

on the other hand, on the front page of the News-Press we got the Florida Fish and Game teaming with the University of Florida to kill iguanas for the same tired old reason: they are invasive and may pose a threat to native species

so the "biologists" are going around bashing the iguana heads in with hammers, bolt guns and whatever else they can find...

this madness reminds me of the Channel Islands pig killing (and every other species that got in the way) to "save" the native the islands are overrun with foxes!!

so, let's see where the US Humane Society and PETA are on this issue....

probably hiding under a rock somewhere

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Mama Said

Mama said there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this mama said

it's Mother's Day

fuck that bullshit!! they really mean White Mother's Day

black mothers are drug addicts; Asian mothers are real quiet and Mexican moms are gang-bangers.. just let ICE do their job and CLEAN UP CALIFORNIA!! (Kristallnacht) 😉

hey nativists, look at this native oak tree that fell in the storm in Carp..what'd ya think of that??


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Plane Wreck at Los Gatos

(also known as "Deportee")

The crops are all in and the peaches are rott'ning,
The oranges piled in their creosote dumps;
They're flying 'em back to the Mexican border
To pay all their money to wade back again

Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye, Rosalita,
Adios mis amigos, Jesus y Maria;
You won't have your names when you ride the big airplane,

All they will call you will be "deportees"

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Summer, fall, winter, spring

ok so the new norm is December is summer, January is spring, March is winter and the rest of the time is fall...

I've heard people say that evacuations are the new normal but I don't think so...even though I spent a restless night in a stuffy Holiday Inn during the last light rain, I realized that people are in the psychological phase called "cover our asses"..I was on the red evac map but never should have been so the Sheriff evacuated EVERYONE this time to cover his ass

an epic fire, weird weather and a 200 year rain won't happen again unless they forgot about a 300 yr rain which may be just around the corner...

but the creeks have been cleaned out as they should be every year..instead, the nut-jobs plant natives on the banks ...creeks convey water to the sea, that's the primary function..just let Nature provide the plants and frogs and the native-only cult leave it ALONE!!! you should have learned your lessons by now

the FULL WORM MOON-At the time of this Moon, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworm casts to reappear, inviting the return of robins and migrating birds—a true sign of spring.
Roots start to push their way up through the soil, and the Earth experiences a re-birth as it awakens from its winter slumber.

but March is in like a lioness...we got the moon, the snow and high surf...

tonight, it's lamb chops!!