Monday, June 19, 2017


who is the Gaucho amigo? why is he standing in your spangled leather poncho with the studs that match your eyes?  Bodacious Cowboys, such as your friend will never be welcome here  

so we got some white people in Santa Barbara over-thinking Fiesta with all sorts of explanations and scenerios about "Old Spanish Days"....but nobody can expain why they keep electing white guys as El Presidente

look... Fiesta is simple..a bunch of illegals/Mexicans come out of the shadows for a block party and invite some drunk white trash and everybody north of the border....lotsa parties and a rodeo to boot and fun for the whole family unless you're a bull or calf then you get abused at the Earl Warren Showgrounds... and Wendy in her Ivory Tower in De La Guerra Plaza fumes as she peers down at the crowds thru her barred windows at the News-Press...that is Fiesta

I've often wondered if those barred windows are to keep illegals out or to keep the News-Press loonies from jumping..Randy Alcorn who used to be a Wendy sychophant till she fired him and now writes drivel for Noozhawk  thinks that if we legalize marijuana, the USA will be ok because Michelle Malkin wants legal weed now too..dimwits

now Trump is an idiot and needs to stop tweeting..the only tweet I wanna hear is from the birdies

he reversed Obama's Cuba deal which would've opened the door for trade and travel instead of being stuck in a 1950s cold war mindset..but that's where Trump is at..he still thinks Castro is a threat!!

he is preparing for a Bay of Pigs invasion

one more expensive kiss-off

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