I know a cat named Way Out Willie He's got a groovy little chick named Rockin' Millie He can walk and stroll and Susie Q And do that crazy hand jive too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEeeGMpM_Nk mama mama look at Uncle Joe, doing the hand jive with sister Flo...Grandma gave baby sister a dime Said, do that hand jive one more time hand jive, hand jive, doin' that crazy hand jive
Yes. Apparently, small children didn't know they should stay away from people with purple hair. Have you seen my mommy?
so I head for the beach expecting a heatwave per the weatherman but it's still gloomy and grey...you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows
I stand there and see the mysterious purse still on the rocks..on the sand..in the ice plant...by the railroad tracks
finally I see a cop and flag him down...I explain the sitch and he dons some black latex gloves and checks out the scene..a crime scene? I check the novel closer and it's titled 'Forbidden Nights with a Vampire' by Kerrelyn Sparks...a chill runs down my spine I thank the cop for looking into it and take off feeling a little guilty
I saw her, I know I did the good thing about these cool and overcast August days and nights is I can feel autumn in the air...feel the Halloween vibe and the Spice Girls airywhere...and yet i know it's still summer and there's still time and tide
and a great French film noir was showing, 'Diabolique' with the awesome Simone Signoret..oooo, and I love Simon Simone..so cute and pretty and spooky in Cat People...I'll see it come Halloween... no rush but I can't wait... this purse was on the beach for a few days... a jar of pickles, a romance novel? it's suspicious and perhaps a dark murder mystery involved...so I called it in.... fin
MRS. MARCHMONT. I come here to be educated LADY BASILDON. Ah! I hate being educated! MRS. MARCHMONT. So do I. It puts one almost on a level with the commercial classes, doesn't it? But dear Gertrude Chiltern is always telling me that I should have some serious purpose in life. So I come here to try to find one.
what's with all these crazy Russian guys? they come to town kill their wives and/or kids, then skidaddle out of town until they get caught..and all because things ain't working out at home...killing your wife won't solve anything, you need to be a man and let her go if that's what she wants..but these Russian guys are punks...like Putin, the putz..may the kids and women who are killed by these monsters have eternal grace and peace so the Navy managed to damage TWO BILLIONS DOLLAR destroyers by running into cargo ships...WTF is going on Trump?? so I was out past midnight last night feeling ornery and needed a drink so swung by Bo Henry's on the westside..is it closed?? it had the right proper romantic atmosphere for a bar and if you wanted to kill your liver with absinthe like Oscar Wilde done, Bo Henry's seemed like a good place to do it.. Bo Henry's Cocktail Lounge is a modern neighborhood saloon, the only bar on the wild Westside, SB's best kept secret: safe, clean and joyful. Bars in Santa Barbara Six beers on tap, 35 varieties of bottled beer, some craftsman.
Address:- 1431 San Andres St, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101
Phone Number:- (805) 966-7898
Website:- http://www.bohenrys.com but nothing is there anymore....it's a mystery..maybe the Russians are involved?? or Monaco??
if you see a guy walking toward you with dead beady eyes, a stupid accent and a Victorian hat on top of his head...introduce yourself.... it could be your next husband
I got love in my tummy
And I feel like a-lovin you
Love, you're such a sweet thing
Good enough to eat thing
And that's just a-what I'm gonna do
ok so Taylor Swift appears in a publicity photo with some DJ and his girlfriend..they are all smiles and Taylor later claims she was groped and sexually assaulted by the DJ..she sues and wins and is awarded $1...one dollar..to bring awareness to something or other I think Taylor is nuts...pampered blonde celeb with minimal music skills..how and why would a guy, in a publicity photo with his girlfriend standing next to Taylor, sexually assault her in front of the cameras?? it's not plausible but it is laughable now I studied the picture in question and it looks like the guy's girlfriend and Taylor want to get it on..look how close they are and I'm cool with that... Taylor is so skinny the guy probably couldn't even find her ass!!! but look at the girlfriend rubbing her tits on Taylor's tummy as Tay leans in and giggles! I don't know what the hell went down that day... but at least the DJ didn't grab her by the pussy
Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum, Lookin' mighty nice now here she comes
I ♥ Hope Hicks
I look out my window and see overcast and clouds that I've seen for 18 fucking days...so no total solar eclipse for me
then, just around 9:00 AM and the start of the eclipse, the sun came out hot and bright and cast spooky shadows over me...so I get my good camera and a pair of old cardboard 3-D glasses and point the camera thru the glasses and get some crazy pics of the moon and sun...not totality but totally cosmic I think that's just about the most awesome thing I've ever seen.. and felt!! I felt the universe unfold!!!
ok so I've seen the hooded orioles, an areola, the osprey, a peregrine falcon...but still no sharks and definitely no bears...
peregrine falcon
so the story on Noozhawk about the beach bear was cool..the black bear that wandered down from the hills thru Rincon creek and hit the beach...the bear was not aggressive or threateneing but sure as shootin' Fish and Game guys killed him claiming he was old and worn out..but they really killed him because the bear was too close to people...I wish the Fish and Game would stop lying! tonight Trump, although I give hime credit for Hope Hicks, will announce a strategy on Afghanistan.. one of our endless, pointless wars...if Trump continues the war, he should be impeached Hope can stay, but Trump must go
so the News-Press had no problem covering the Barcelona terror attack on the front page ...but Wendy did have a problem covering the Charlottesville terror attack...radical Islamic terrorists or radical Christian rightwing terrorists..what's the difference? see, these guys from the ALT RIGHT live at their parent's house and they should go back home and get their mommies to wipe their asses before they go outside again...but I see they will be protesting immigration in Laguna Beach on Sunday night..that should be fun....California is not gonna put up with these knuckleheads and their paranoid visions of the future..America will be just fine with out them...so let 'em know!! remember they already killed one lovely young lady, Heather Heyer in Charlottesville who was protesting against them
and as I watched these little fucks with the torches, I recalled the News-Press anti-immigration rally in De La Guerra Plaza..of course, Wendy and Nipper were too chicken to come out, so they let their willing sycophants do the dirty work...the bullhorns, the American flags carried by racists...and one policitician who supported Wendy and the murderous Minutemen was Frank Hotchkiss...what a weenie!! don't let Frank get the mayor's spot!!! to freshen the memory, the NewsPress headline claimed the people in the front page photo were "illegals" simply because they were Mexicans..that is pure white nationalist racism from Wendy and Nipper, David Duke stuff! douchebags
and now Steve Bannon is out...Trump's use of Breitbart guys to shape America's future is insane...these guys are morons all the King's horses and all the King's men
better keep your head, don't forget what your good book said
you can be sure if all the commotion in Virginia was caused by illegals or blacks, the News-Press would have a front page story..but Saturday and Sunday, the News-Press had zip on the crisis..the governor called a state of emergency and people were killed...the perps are White Nationalists losers and Trump supporters and that's why Wendy ducked the story..what a chickenshit!!
so Wendy and Nipper are indeed White Nationalists and no doubt support the racists that gathered in Virginia...the same type who supported the News-Press racist "illegals" headline douchebags like David Duke, the KKK flying Nazi flags with the Confederate flag..these folks are of the same ilk as the Minutemen and we know Nipper is pals with the head of the Minutemen..total racists think about that next time you advertise or allow a story to be done on your biz by the News-PRess..if it doesn't faze you, you should be ashamed of yourself on the front page of Sunday's News-Press was some story about Reagan and the ranch... this issue should be about civil war history but it's devolved into good ol' racism....I'm all for keeping symbols of the civil war for historical perspective not exactly a newspaper, the News-Press is more a propaganda publication for white nationalists, like Wendy and Nipper "Sieg Heil" "Heil Hitler!"
UPDATE: and then this! , Wendy has to use the Tribune News Service to cover a Santa Barbara story, right under her nose in De La Guerra Plaza!!
Demonstrators gather to protest Charlottesville violence By TONY BARBOZA, TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE August 14, 2017 7:21 AM LOS ANGELES— Hundreds of protesters demonstrated in Santa Barbara.....
geez, did she fire ALL her reporters?? is this the beginning of the end for Wendy, Nipper and the News-Press???
Play that funky music right. Play that funky music white boy. Lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'till you die...
white people are starting to embarass the shit outta me so I'm changing my name to Mick Von Kingand I'm black..I'm black...and dat mean I likes me dem white ladies!!
if you are a vegan you should know this: you need animal protein to function normally...that means steak and potatoes for dinner...I see that Craig McCaw's (WENDY'S SUGAR DADDY) restaurant on Coast Village Rd in Montecito is set to open..called Oliver's it will serve only vegan food..Craig is a vegan I think and since he has no animal protein, he's a little slow...not as much energy as he needs which is probably why it took him seven years to remodel the old Peabody's restaurant..I mean the thing is only about 1000 sq ft! SEVEN YEARS MAN!!
monkey-shit brown??
I see a Susan McCaw is in the civil index for 'unlimited auto' so I guess someone is suing her...I wonder if Sue is a vegan too...maybe her spark was off..hey I wonder if that was her Porsche on Mountain Drive last month!! just speculating then I see a Carp realtor was busted in Fresno for DUI..second time DUI..first one was in Santa Barbara... way to go cops keeping the drunks off the road...wish the dude would get some help then I see Rincon Catering on Santa Claus Lane will be in court for "unlimited product liabilty" whatever that means... from the COURT: AM 17CV02717 McCaw, Susan * Maxwell, Pauline SB Dept 6 1) Case Management Conference Unlimited Auto (22) 10/27/2017 8:30 AM 17CV00215 Rincon Catering Inc * Geck, Donna D SB Dept 4 1) Case Management Conference Unlimited Product Liability (24) so... any black girls out there?
the beach off Santa Claus Lane is Santa Claus beach..it's not Padaro beach, it's Santa Claus beach...some folks have a problem with that thinking Padaro has more status than Santa Claus but that's nonsense...the new condos on Santa Claus Lane are going for 5 million dollars..is that status enough for ya??
but I swung by Santa Claus beach and it was a real fine day with the sunshine, Surf camp, kids in the water, boats, fishing and I loved it...
Santa Claus Lane shall remain as it is and I know the County of Santa Barbara has some concerns about safety and the trains but more people are killed by trains from Summerland to Goleta than at Santa Claus Lane...this is the home of the "World's Safest Beach" after all
so the lane is super cool and casual and I noticed this bitchin' Volvo parked behind me.. some chicks got out to sunbathe, but these old Volvos are neat beach cars...
are you? Fiestais in full swing and I love hanging out at Earl Warren Showgrounds Saturday morning watching the rodeo..the old west..the new west...horses and girls and ropin' calves...if this is animal abuse then I'm Roy Rogers..
but I'm not Roy Rogers, I'm just a guy with a camera and Earl Warren showgrounds is where I saw some of the great musical acts from the 1960s.... at 15 or 16 years old we'd go see concerts..tried to look cool smoking Winstons, wandering around the ballroom with the stage in the center...all the gals from school were there
let's see....Grace Slick and the Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, The Grassroots (their manager and I were on the O'Jays tour years later!), Alice Cooper, Buffalo Springfield, Doors, Byrds to name a few...
cowboys, cowgirls and rocknroll...what more did I need? some folks don't like Fiesta because they say it depicts the Spaniards abuse of the Chumash Indians...but that's not my problem..I love Fiesta!
so here I am at the Earl Warren Showgrounds...I think the Jimi Hendrix Experience is playing tonight.. I wonder if I'll see Jenny there
I love this weather...hot, warm and windy, and cool with tropical clouds using the sun to paint the sky in rich pastels..I've never seen such incredible patterns as this brief start to August has brought..and later this month the solar eclipse! you can smell and see the ocean's sweaty face
and I'm sitting outside with no fog, just light breezes and lazy clouds when I see this bird dive bombing a tree by the highway..then flies over the condo then dives again...he's moving so fast... I get some pictures, but the bird is too quick for me... it's a peregrine falcon and it's beautiful...from what I could see a peregrine falcon! how cool is that?
what am I watching, the Godfather?? geez, Trump appoints another feckless wonder to Communications Director then fires him 10 days later! must've given Mooch an offer he couldn't refuse so Trump puts more military guys in top gov't spots...Trump, the draft dodger with five or so deferrments...what a pussy!! maybe with McCain being sick, Trump doesn't like guys with brain cancer??? and Wendy and Nipper got a Patriot Award for endorsing Trump!! clowns
the News-Press is a mess as is Trump ..he can't lead a moth to flame...he has his daughter and wife run things while he spends all his time on Twitter seeking revenge against celebs who make fun of him... change is needed...into chrysalis or pupa.... then I hear Trump called the White House "a real dump" compared to his golf country clubs well, it's past time to DUMP TRUMP before he starts WWIII the guy is a real POS oh and PS...
ever since Trump's the president, I've seen more and more white trash move into my town.. why is this???