the show was SB Forum on Public Access..I guess the new SB Channels board was bought by Wendy!! After some opening small talk, Eringer interviewed Nipper and asked how the editorial staff goes about endorsing candidates..EDITORIAL STAFF??? What editorial staff's Nipper and Wendy writing, in tortured English, about their pet buyable ultra-conservative candidates!!
Nipper tells us how high tech the News-Press has become, especially with the online edition.. they proceed to show clips of News-Press TV..the "clips" were low quality and lasted about ten minutes...then Nipper bragged about how great his writers are and Eringer brought up the recent Solvang Danish and Dutch story gaffe on the front page...Nipper said "well, the paper used to be much worse"....the News-Press motto is a "champion of free speech, accurate reporting and a community leader" ....and then they went back to News-Press TV clips, trying hard to sell the online content to public TV viewers....the kicker was Nipper showing a bogus graph of traffic to, saying many more people are visiting them...but if you check out Alexa, you'll get the real story: About Santa Barbara News-Press ( Daily newspaper serving Santa Barbara County since 1855. Includes local and world news, sports, business, and classifieds.
There are 188,051 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than Compared with all internet users, the site appeals more to users who are over the age of 35; its visitors also tend to consist of childless women earning over $60,000 who browse from work. The site is based in the US, and approximately 35% of visits to consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces).
Percent of global Internet users who visit is down 15%!
a global world indeed!!
so I called in after they fixed the phone issues and asked Nipper if the News-Press is a rightwing organization..he said "no"..... geez, Nipper, wrong answer and you just lied to me... then he says the city is broke and we must not surrender Santa Barbara to people who would "disface" it, like the city workers, poor people, Mexicans and the homeless!! then they closed the show talking about the latest restaurants Nipper has dined at....
oh boy, if you get a chance to see the show, do yourself a favor....Nipper is so full of shit that it is obvious he would not be employed unless his rich girlfriend supported his lazy ass!! The guy does not have a clue....and Nipper, FYI, the News-Press is a rightwing organization, and you and Wendy have "disfaced" it.....
So I just went to the N-P's Web site. The video was posted and after I clicked on it, a second page came up with this headline: News Press Today and tomarwo
Is everyone there illiterate?
YES! they are!!
Great post. You get MY journalistic excellence award for uncovering such delicious poop!
thank you..I am the King Of Poop!!
I keep reading about this video and I go to the News-Press Web site and click on the link. It takes me to something called USTREAM. Off to the right is a menu with links to other videos. One of them is called "Reel World Consevation, Moropoulos." Another is called "What's Right With Amwerica!" I can't believe this. Does ANYONE at the paper know how to spell?
Maybe someone will read this post and make corrections. OMG!
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