Monday, April 4, 2016

Heart Of Gold

I've been a miner for a heart of gold


well it appears according to the Independent that Bo Henry's bar on the westside of Santa Barbara and the eastside of Bombay was busted for serving booze to a miner and the bartender was drunk, a 30 day suspension was ordered so now and coke at Bo Henry's???

I think miners deserve some beer after a hard day in the coal mine...but Bo Henry' you just never know what's gonna happen next..even though I  don't go to bars, Bo Henry's is my fave..they try to propel conservative candidates off the karaoke stage into the political arena..but they would have more luck shooting Justin Fareed from a cannon!!

it's just all too esoteric for me

speaking of vain drunkards, Just For Men haircolor will burn your skin so there's a bunch of law firms lining up to sue...looking you best guys comes with a price

I sent my instructions to the County of SB about Santa Claus Lane beach access.. I told them to stop all the nonsense and if they wanted an approved crossing area, just use the existing RR crossing at SCL and Padaro..folks can cross and be warned of approaching trains with the bell that's already there

I've been listening to lots of dead musicians lately I wonder what it would be like to have sex with a dead gal..about an hour dead..I probably could bring her back to life with my conch but how would I go about that..get a job in a cemetery maybe...just an idea

dead girls..hmmmm

be careful when you're crossing the train tracks, ladies

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