so I watched Buffy two nights ago and last night and I'm watching Santa Barbara Forum and there's this wimpy guy named Jim Whooten interviewing the new head of Santa Barbara Republicans, Greg Gandrud..Greg used to sit on the Carp city council but kept fighting with Joe Armendariz...the voters chose the conservative drunk over the conservative gay guy!
Now, you'll recall the Lincoln Club, who hosted a luncheon in Montecito with Andrew Breitbart a few months ago...well, the Lincoln Club is no more! I think my coverage of their event scared them into joining forces with the Republican Club of SB!
anyway I'm watching the interview and all I heard was a couple of wimpy guys wanking about gov't workers and union bosses...nary a word about corporate loopholes or Wall Street criminals or giveaways to oil companies! I will rejoin the Republican party as soon as they get rid of all the wimps!!
Mick: go ahead, talk
Mr.Wimpy: know... sniffle sniffle..I just don't like those public employees...they um um they just are soooo lucky....they retire soo rich..they are um ..I'm a taxpayer and I can't afford them...I don't even have a pension why should they?? I don't have a job why should they??
the government always picks on me...I can't run my business..they want my employees to have breaks and lunches! we Rupublicans need to step up and stop this big government intrusion into our little lives..we are not free enough! the labor union bosses are scary!! I wish I had planned better in my life but I didn't and now look at me....oooo, I just farted!
Mick: ok ok I get it're a loser and now you wanna blame public service people because you failed to plan for the future... look, I feel for you..really I do..but you made your choice and they made their choices...just because you made a bunch of wrong choices in your life, you want public employees to stop getting paid??
Mr. Wimpy: well, I dint know that you could work 30 years and retire..I thought my mommy and daddy were going to give me a big inheritance, so why should I save any money...
Mick: well I hate to inform you but your mommy and daddy don't really love you...if they did, they would have taught you how to stand on your own two feet..they would have taught you a work ethic..and..they would have taught you to be wise about make a little.. you invest a little, you cover your ass, you work hard, you make friends... you'll be fine..
Mr. Wimpy: but but.. sniffle sniffle..I don't like working 12 hours a day...I don't like working weekends and holidays and Sunday I go to church and if I work too much my wife might have an affair..and and..sniffle sniffle... and nobody wants to work 25 or 30 years at the same job....not me anyway....I like to watch FOX NEWS!
Mick: well, if the public employees are causing you so many problems, you could get some rich folks to help you put a measure on the ballot to fuck with their compensation somehow..the nurses, the cops, the firefighters, the electricians.and all the rest who have caused you such grief....
Mr. Wimpy: well..I may do that if they don't give back the money they stole from us hard-working private conservative taxpayers over the last 40 years!
Mick: ok ..well good luck with that!
I'm new to your blog so I had to search to find this
And then I started to wonder why this registered Independent Michael Self was at a Republican organization's function with an extreme right wing speaker's event? Does anyone know if this Santa Barbara council women is a closet right wing wingnut?
I do! I do! of course she is
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