“I kind of feel sorry for what Mr. Ebenstein went through because he had no knowledge that (his tenants) were growing marijuana. I’ve never known a landlord who wanted people in their property growing marijuana.” – Eureka attorney Andrew Stunich displays his deep knowledge of the local landlording business.
Plain Jane says:
April 6, 2011 at 1:29 pm
The problem with defending landlords like Mr. Ebensten is (from the TS article) “According to court documents, one of the tenants of the property also admitted to officers that the “premises were ‘set up’ for growing marijuana” when he moved in in September 2009, and that a crop of marijuana plants was even ready for harvest at the time.”
So it was an on-going marijuana operation with a series of tenants, not tenants growing mj? I think Mr. Ebensten is lucky he isn’t criminally prosecuted for conspiracy.
well Lanny's latest little drama is a repeat of all the other little dramas played out on the editorial page of the News-Press... Lanny has publicly thanked Nipper and Wendy for giving him a platform to lie about public employees...the guy is a douchebag and now he stoops to the new low when he claims police and fire unions cost lives...in other words, the unions are killing people....well if killing was legal, I'd have some notches on my belt, but this isn't 1865, so I can't just go around killing and beating up people..unless...I become a cop!! hahaha!
but Lanny's claims are preposterous....to suggest that "public safety unions risk the lives of safety personnel and the lives of the general public" is just nonsense....first of all, public workers have been retiring for the last 30 years without a problem....when the financial issues came to a head during th e Bush Bubble, the private banks and corporations like Texas ENRON and AIG were committing fraud and stealing pensions..and Bush bailed them out with taxpayer money!!!
a portion of the public workers salary goes to a retirement account that is invested...after 30 years, the investment account grows and is used for a monthy retirement payment, which is taxed...
a portion of the public workers salary goes to a retirement account that is invested...after 30 years, the investment account grows and is used for a monthy retirement payment, which is taxed...
when Wall Street is allowed to take your money, cook the books and gamble on stupid and illegal investments, then everyone takes a hit..so Lanny should be concentrating on cleaning up Wall Street and the free market...which is not free when thieves in white collars are running around unchecked....thankfully Bush's pal Ken Lay of Enron is dead and his pal Jeff Skilling is in jail...but the money they stole is long gone..and some folks lost lifelong pensions to these clowns...
now, the unions simply negotiate salaries, safety equipment and other issues with the city or county..then the councils vote on it..it's not complicated....the private sector should be building wealth for its employees through investments or profit sharing instead of stealing from them...
lest we forget, Lanny's still mad at the cops in Eureka for busting his pot house....
and maybe Nipper's still mad at the cops for busting his kid....and Wendy's still mad that the cops who busted Travis..and maybe the Baron's mad, too....
and maybe Nipper's still mad at the cops for busting his kid....and Wendy's still mad that the cops who busted Travis..and maybe the Baron's mad, too....
How much does Lanny make as a UC professor? Those guys are over paid big time and most do not even teach, they have TA's do it while they publish, chase girls/boys or sit at the ebar all day and drink.
The UC retirement system is not bad either. At least public employees show up and do something. What does a UC slug do or produce?
To Mr. Anonymous: When you attack instructors in the UC system across the board like that, you're acting no better than Ebenstein. "Those guys" are far from being "paid big time"(and by the way, there are women professors in the UC system; it's not all "guys.") I'm a college professor and I work my rear end off for relatively little money (I could easily make a lot more income in the private sector but I chose the academy as it also happens to be non-profit.)
Professors aren't overpaid. It's the administration salaries that are sucking up the majority of funding. They are the ones you should be addressing.
And what does a "UC slug" produce? That 'slug' produces an educated workforce, contributes to the progression of knowledge and society, helps to change lives, and open up minds to critical inquiry. Which unfortunately is something that clearly evaded you. Hopefully you will someday consider a college education for yourself.
And the fact that tuition is increasing has little to do with the instructors. It's about the modern corporate micro-managing of the educational system. The UC system is currently being run like a private corporation rather than a publicly funded academic institution. But nonetheless, the primary goal of the academy is to provide services to the general public without profit-making as its motive.
Try wearing the shoes first before you make assumptions as to how they might fit.
Well said Professor Longhair! Trashing UC Professors won't help anything here.... Ebenstein is full of crap as usual. I am a public safety employee and I will be eligible to retire at age 50 with a pension of approx. $45K/ year. Now of course I will not retire because then how would I pay my mortgage and help my children go to college? So I will continue to work like everyone else. Lanny Boy needs to wake up and smell the marijuana.... The economy is in the crapper because of greedy corporations, mismanagement from Wallstreet types and politicians who failed to regulate things properly.... Public Pensions did not derail the economy. That's ludicrous! The basic public employee pensions are modest well deserved compensation packages that were fairly negotiated for by our unions. I will never be rich, but I expect to fairly compensated for answering the emergency calls at all hours of the day or night so that others may live their lives and feel safe.
When Mr. Ebenstein says I am greedy and underserving, he is spitting in my face and the faces of all of the men and women who sacrifice so much for the good of others.
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