last year Dec 12 I wrote a funny little post about Peter Lance before the DUI...Lance wrote an "investigative series" for the NP about the Unity Shoppe and Ensemble Theatre fight....
dec 12, 2010: well, in an effort to create some credibilty for the paper, the News-Press enlisted a guy named Peter Lance, a five time Emmy winner from ABC News..Peter Lance..sounds like a porno name like Rod Long or sumpin..anyway, Lance had a two part investigative series in the News-Press on the messy real estate brawl between the Unity Shoppe and Ensemble Theatre and the Victoria Street Theatre they'll remember in the end the Unity Shoppe had to buy another place to
hold their "non-profit" telethons ...the price tag was in the millions and you bought it for them!!!
well it seems this year, the Unity Shoppe had to cancel the elaborate part of the telethon due to lack of funds...and the News-Press had the story... of course they blamed the economy and unions for it, but I think people are just getting wise to all the scams, all the money filtering thru non-profits, all the CEOs getting rich, and the Unity Shoppe's unwise real estate purchase....I could have predidcted that when the Wendy and Nipper got involved, it would kill the charity...then Dr. Laura showed up and it lost all credibilty...and poor Kenny
Loggins just stood there with his facelift and let it happen instead of bustin' some rhymes....
well it seems this year, the Unity Shoppe had to cancel the elaborate part of the telethon due to lack of funds...and the News-Press had the story... of course they blamed the economy and unions for it, but I think people are just getting wise to all the scams, all the money filtering thru non-profits, all the CEOs getting rich, and the Unity Shoppe's unwise real estate purchase....I could have predidcted that when the Wendy and Nipper got involved, it would kill the charity...then Dr. Laura showed up and it lost all credibilty...and poor Kenny
last year the money was slow coming in, so the Chumash stepped in to save the day with a huge donation from all the gambling profits!'s too ironic for me to explain now....but the Unity Shoppe lost focus when it tried to hitch its wagon to the News-Press....the results have been disasterous....
what is going on Santa Barbara?? I can't take it anymore...let me OUT!!!!!
maybe they could stream the telethon this year.....around the world
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What's a telethon?
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