I was going to check out Tony Denunzio hearing on Tuesday but instead I installed a new oven range hood...it took all morning because it was a pain in the ass, but after I finished, I was pleased...sometimes you have to be a handyman instead of a candyman like Herman! and now that I have a new range hood, I baked some cookies for Tony!!
I wonder why cops go to work equipped with guns, handcuffs, tasers, batons, radios....you think maybe it's a dangerous job??
oh yeah, my 999 plan..well...
I looked in DeNews-Press for two straight days and not one word on a Santa Barbara cop!
why do some women inject silicon into their lips? they want bigger mouths??
are the native only cult members going to chop down all the eucalyptus trees at the Coronado Butterfly Preserve in Goleta?
are the native only cult members going to chop down all the eucalyptus trees at the Coronado Butterfly Preserve in Goleta?
there's the Dream Foundation again granting a dream to a 72 year old guy to display his artwork in a gallery....geez.... after 72 years and he never got his art in a gallery?? what ever happened to initiative...
like this young lady who caused a fuss in Kansas when she criticized Governor Sam Brownback in a twitter tweet.....Emma Sullivan said she wouldn't apologize after the school principal told her to....Emma told Brownback he sucked for reducing funding for art!! yeah, he does suck!! good for you Emma....free speech is a right and when used properly, can expose these jackasses and make them wet their panties...fortunately the governor apologized to Emma for over-reacting to the teen being a teen!
so nobody wants to hear my 999 plan? okay
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nein nein nein
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