Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Great Speckled Bird

What a beautiful thought I am thinking
Concerning the great speckled bird....

so I get a NO on P (NOPE) letter in the mail...I don't know about you, but I like a good P and Sarah Silverman likes P, too....that's one nice looking Jewish gal!! pretty and funny but I wonder how Jewish can she really be??

and Jewish they even make those??? all I know is Sarah's got nice tits..the kinda tits that could make a man cry

anyway the No on P (NOPE) survey had a bunch of dumb questions and crazy answer choices like Strongly YES, Somewhat YES, Somewhat NO, Strongly NO....I am somewhat PEE-ODE reading these silly surveys and strongly opposed to this junk mail....what a waste of postage

oh so I see Fess Parker's Doubletree Inn was busted for poisoning birds...Fess was a bad actor turned businessman and Injun-lover...the pigeons and sparrows I guess were the I hate pigeons as much as I hate gays and Jews, but poisoning them is a rather ghastly solution...(the birds)... a Hitler remedy altho they did that on the Channel Islands and eeryone was pleased and happy with Fess's crime seems pretty minor in comparison but putting poison in bird feeders as is claimed is just beyond belief...and HYDREX was the hired gun!!

you can keep sparrows away if they bother you with those little lace doily things on the window eves

HYDREX!!! dumbass moron on the TV commercials..oh, they kill bees, too

white people are hard to figure out sometimes....

Doubletree Bird Refuge

I've seen poisoned pigeons  and it's not a pretty sight...they get lethargic, can't fly..then they bloat up and lie down till they die..occasionally the poison wears off and they can fly away but mostly they die a staggering death....and then you gotta clean up the mess..

I go into town to check out the Doubletree..then a walk on the beach and I see another issue "Beach Wracking" ain't fracking and it ain't whacking so what is it??? I don't know

when I was in Venice, Italy I saw tons of pigeons and they didn't bother me nearly as much as the Italians, but I guess Italian pigeons are cooler than American ones....

so the point of all this is poisoning things to get results..ok I spray a little RAID to kill ants now and then, but a larger scale operation is out of the question...putting poison in bird feeders outside is just stupid...I've seen birds of prey rip apart pigeons and that's the solution, not poisoning them..that poison ends up in the food chain one way or another....

so my advice to the late Fess and his merry prankster bird killers is to HARVEST the sparrows and pigeons..and put them on the menu....

ever hear of sparrow-stuffed squab??? it's to die for!


Anonymous said...

Where is animal-lover Wendy McCaw's coverage of this horrific behavior by the Doubletree in her News-Press newspaper? Is it because the News-Press is so far up the Doubletree's ass because it one of the few advertisers left in her increasingly crappy and vacuous newspaper? Instead we get hard-hitting stories about high school students returning to class. Wow, that's news I can really sink my teeth into. Where does she find the simpletons who create content for that paper, the School of Boring Journalism? Thank god for Edhat and Noozhawk ... and this website! The one guy here gets more local news out than Wendy's multimillion dollar waste of a publication.

Anonymous said...

As much as I'd like to blame McCaw for the train-wreck the News-Press has become, the finger has to be pointed at director of news operations (He's careful not to call himself "editor" because the only thing he's ever written is a real estate listing.) He's the person behind the News-Supress on this story. It's amazing what a fool-and-her-money McCaw is, that she's been bamboozled by the slick con men around her as they ran her former-paper into the ground.

Anonymous said...

For the modicum of sanity left at SBNP we have to thank Joe Cole, Nipper, and Katich. They all deserve purple hearts!

Anonymous said...

You are actually pretty funny. Think I have you figured out, despite my lack of a psych degree. When someone criticizes you for your "racist" comments or other lame remarks, it gives you the fuel you need to make more. You are narcissistic and enjoy attention. You were probably the class clown in school. You love being the devil's advocate. You have a strong sense of irony and clearly don't care what others think. You like to piss people off. But you're harmless and funny. Folks would be surprised to find out your real identity. You're probably Arthur's alter ego or you have a reporting gig at the News-Mess. It's always those you least suspect...

Mick Von Caw said...

you talkin' to me???

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
For the modicum of sanity left at SBNP we have to thank Joe Cole, Nipper, and Katich. They all deserve purple hearts!"

I think you mean the "Golden Ass-Tonguing Award." Can I submit you as a nominee?

Anonymous said...

Katich and Von Geezerberg a Purple Heart?! Let me remind people that Purple Hearts were awarded to wounded veterans of war for valor. If anything Don Katich and Nipper should be awarded Iron Crosses for following Herr McCaw's marching orders to systematically eliminate and fire the lives of respectable journalists who were in a battle -- to preserve the integrity of our local newspaper and their journalistic integrity and those who sought the Constitutionally guaranteed right to organize as workers. Wendy McCaw's high generals eliminated these writers, photographers and editors without conscious or earning a scratch on their white collars, while collecting hundreds of thousand of dollars of blood money to follow her vengeful bidding. "Purple Hearts" my ass! Some idiots need to do a little reading about the decline and of the Santa Barbara News-Press