Sunday, August 24, 2014

laugh laugh

I thought I'd die, it seemed so funny to me

"When I write and speak, I certainly do use vivid language, but one thing I don't do is risk my integrity by engaging in irresponsible, inflammatory rhetoric in order to bolster a weak argument. I believe the best course of action is to base my positions on reasons and facts, and challenge anybody who disagrees to have an honest debate anytime, anywhere. In that regard, a letter writer recently put words in my mouth in order to bolster his argument. I wish this was an isolated instance, but unfortunately....."

no I dint write that, News-Press Guest writer and Professional Liar Andy Caldwell did and I laughed at the words "risk my integrity"...geez Andy, buffoons don't have any integrity!!

Andy is mad at the Measure P folks..and BTW, Andy already offered to debate them, they accepted and Andy chickened chickens have integrity???

see I got no problem with oil..just oil spills

so what else is new? well, I went down to see if the red fox was gone and yep he was..the only thing left was a nice big reddish brown pine cone with some fur on it in the exact place where I pushed the fox to rest..I'm thinking that the turkey vultures may have left that for me as a "thank-you"....I do have a wild streak in me and they sensed that....I am proud to be among the Vulture Brotherhood..the vulture union!!

ants are everywhere and I've never had any problems but lately they have been a bit more aggressive because of the drought..had one crawling on my leg the other day and another tried to crawl up my ass like Andy crawls up Wendy's ass so I clenched my butt cheeks and farted and BAMMM!!!  killed him

the only good ant is a dead ant

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