well if I'm driving down the road and I'm DUI and the CHP pulls me over they can either arrest me or detain me...but can they unarrest me...apparently yes...but why drive DUI when such pretty girls are waiting to be done...and undone???
so I don't know why this thing about the CHP updating their records is such a big deal until I read who was behind the lawsuit....a DUI atty named Makler who for all intents and purposes is a Darryl Genis-lite..Makler is a skinnny bespectacled dork who tries to get college kids out of DUI arrests..see people still won't take DUI seriously...
if you hire a DUI lawyer you were DUI..period..the degree is the issue..and that's where all this whining comes in and I've seen it at the court house..Makler and his clients, usually the mom and dad and the kid all dressed up and looking guilty as hell, but being that DUI law is so full of loopholes you could drive your daddy's BMW through it, these kids get off easy unless of course they crash and or kill someone...
and that's why the CHP arrests people...they suspect them of DUI...those 188 that got their records cleared were 188 who were taken off the road when they were drinking and driving...this is apparently lost on the fuck DUI lawyers and dumbass judges
but the bottom line is teaching kids to duck and dodge personal responsibility seems to be the norm....and if you've been arrested but after five years not prosecuted, I would think your record is cleared automatically...but this ruling simply saves kids from the embarrassment of being arrested! silly! I was arrested once for vagrancy and parking tickets but that never stopped me from getting a job...course I never told my employers I got arrested ..I figure what they don't know won't hurt me! HAHAHAHAAH!!!
I once applied for work at a clothing store in La Cumbre Plaza and I failed a lie detector test, so they told me to get lost... a lie detector test!!!
well I know this Holzer dude is crazy guilty even though DA Joyce Dudley stood up there during the news conference, thoroughly undone, and said Holzer is innocent until proven guilty..well Joyce, he confessed...that means he's guilty
Hannibal |
but the look in this guys eyes was sociopathic all the way..like Hannibal Lecter...Hannibal Holzer..
well the report said that the ex-wife Juana was fearful of Holzer and he was in psychiatric hospitals and she wanted to keep the kids away..instead the judge said she could have supervised visits and needed to attend parenting classes!! and gave custody to Hannibal
WTF!!! this Judge whoever he/she is totally fucked up!!! this is outrageous!! I'm more than a little disappointed in Santa Barbara judges lately and although the divorce was in 2006, a bad decision is a bad decision....and this one has blood all over it...
I think Santa Barbara judges are retards..fucking retards and they have sex with their sisters and the results of this incest is the bevy of lawyers I see seated in the court chambers..dressed in cheap gabardine...ghoulish looking creatures...all of them..
those little boys deserved much better....
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