Now, do you really think killing 5000 pigs and "removing" a few golden eagles had anything to do with the "recovery"..of course not! First of all, they didn't recover..they were not endangered to begin with.. the population fluctuated for a number of reasons, distemper
Animal Cruelty has been a felony in California since 1988 and carries a maximum jail term of three years ... and exterminating animals for being labeled non-native is animal cruelty, pure and simple.. I am pro-hunting but most hunters will tell you this is mindless long before these inane policies spread to the mainland..US Fish and Wildlife people come knocking on your door wanting to confiscate your dog or cat for being "non-native"!
Bionativism rears its ugly head again as the "science of malice and intolerance"...Parks Biologists continue their cowardly actions... this is not hunting or culling, this is extermination..there's big difference! Did you ever see the ads on TV..drug companies have flooded the market with drugs that are supposed to treat everything from ADD to ED (both made-up disorders!)..but the drugs have side effects that CAN KILL YOU! It is absurd what they try to sell and what they expect the public to swallow....these are the tactics used by biologists on the Channel Islands..the side effects of restoration are much worse than the supposed disease or cure...biologists create an ecological "problem" or disease and then offer a cure..if the public buys into it, you got a job for life..killing things that create "problems!! It is an absolutely foolish way to approach or control nature...the consequences are everywhere..poison, removing "non-native" plants that stabilize is a mindset that needs to change, or the taxpayers will be throwing money into an abyss forever.
The restorations must be accompanied by an independent media...people need to see the poisoning, killing and destruction that goes on and the consequences to the environment....
Species wiped out by "biologists" so far on the Channel Islands:
pig eradication to benefit island fox ...(or native species)
turkey eradication to benefit island fox...
sheep eradication to benefit island fox...
fennel eradication to benefit island fox...
golden eagle eradication/removal to benefit island fox..
rat eradication to benefit island fox..
raccoons killed
deer to be killed for being "invasive"
olive trees gone because they are non -native
and the latest proposal..kill all cats on San Nicolas island..a year long killing spree
The bottom line is this is hype..pure and simple...the fox would have been fine with the pigs and golden eagles. This was island species cleansing...and a shameful chapter in the Parks Service and Nature Conservancy legacy..
Hey Mick... maybe you could get a job writing editorials for Wendy.
Now just a minute,Spitfire..did you start the Tea FIRE!!?? It wouldn't have spread so fast if there were more NON NATIVE ice plant up there... The facts: I was second against the Channel Islands massacre, Scarlett and Rob from Chiapa were first, and the NewsPress just copied us..if Wendy wants to write a guest editorial FOR ME, she is welcome..after the proper security clearance and breast check...
I think you need to go back to Channel Islands University and look at the facts again. Distemper caused island fox population declines on Santa Catalina Island, not on the northern islands of San Miguel, Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz.
I've seen the necropsy photos of island foxes torn apart by golden eagles and the photos of portions of fox bodies littered around golden eagle nests on the northern islands. I suggest you read the paper by Paul Collins, Curator of Vertebrate Biology at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, on the historic remains of prey species found in golden eagle nests on these same northern Channel Islands.
We can disagree about the actions to take on behalf of species and habitat conservation, but spreading disinformation benefits no one.
First of all.. Fiend of the Island Fox, you guys have the corner on disinfo regarding the fox and all the bogus reasons you've sanctioned killing other animals to "save" it...foxes get diseases...distemper is/was a threat to the foxes on the islands north and suggest foxes on the northen islands didn't have diseases is silly...of course they did! Did a golden eagle eat a what? That's what predators do. Now, let's see if I can follow the twisted logic of the Channel Island save the shrike on an island where the Navy conducts live training exercises with Tomahawk Missiles, they kill the fox. Because it's a San Clemente fox, it's ok to kill it, even though it's a state listed rare species. To save the other island fox, they kill the pig and chase down golden eagles in helicopters after considering whether or not to shoot them. To save the Xantus murrelet they kill the black rats by dropping poison on the islands.Collateral damage is done: falcons, owls and hawks die from eating the toxic rats. Ok! Now we're rolling! Now why are the foxes so special.. each of the six channel islands with foxes have their own distinct genetic subspecies. What is the big distinction? The number of bones in their tails!? Geez, that's enough to petition for endangered species protection....who wrote the Endangered Species Act..Moe? Larry? Curly?
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