then the city council inteviews starte
and there's this freaky fellow who bragged he had a full page write up in the News-Press!! dude, that's not a thing to brag about! ask Mike Stoker!! ask Tom Watson!! anyway, this guy goes on and on about harmony and the planet and money and India and well he looked alike a freaking mortician...who the fuck are these people who come up and have no clue, no clue at all how the city can they possibly think they will be chosen?? off with his head!!!
hey there's little Naomi Kovaks who used to be on the Citizen Planning Association...she was in kahoots with Measure B/ Save Our Santa Barbara/ Wolfswinkel/ and all those folks who tried to kill the Miramar and all other development in Santa Barbara....of course, their agenda failed because people saw through their BS!! no no with your head
hey..there's Sheila Lodge...she read to the council something from 100 years ago...I think Sheila wants to return SB to the pre-Columbian era! off with her head!
there's David Pritchett who spent his time talking about Brian Barnwell! Barnwell was up
hey there's Jerry DeWitt..remember 60s Revisited....Jerry, can you play "For What It's Worth' by Buffalo Springfield..thanks man!
hey..a fine Latina woman..hire her..she's hot though I didn't catch her name
one guy had the audacity to say he got two choices..Dianne Channing who was runner up last election; or the elegant Latina who would help soften the old cowpie Mike Self....a heady decision...
Ricky Goodfriend got a big ol'can of whoopass opened up on him. He said something about his lox and bagels state street dining experience with two nearby cigarette smoking homeless.
Loretta Reddddd will be the candidate selected.
yes, Loretta would be a fine choice!
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