get back to the Garden...
the Botanic Garden..
another nonprofit that has been sullied by mismanagement...allegedly, they cleaned house but I see their gardener, Bruce Reed is a News-Press correspondent might remember ex -Botanic Garden Arizona con man Fife Symington was also a favorite of the News-Press because he liked to cook or something...Fife resigned and hightailed it back to Arizona...
Brucie Reed is a nativist and that means he spreads propaganda about plants labeled non-native or better yet invasive..these folks are outta control with fear and loathing of bastard plants...
I have no problem with clearing out brush every now and then..preventive maintenance on creeks to keep them free flowing..or controlled burns in the back country like they used to do in the 1970s...I always loved how the air smelled after the burns...
but things have changed.....Nature has become the enemy and hordes of weedwackers are destroying habitats and trees in the name of restoration...but nothing is being's all in their heads
but back to Bruce Reed..his latest fear is Cape Ivy...I've posted about his before and am not too concerned that there will be a mass war against the ivy, but I am concerned when someone from a nonprofit advocates poisoning the watershed to kill the ivy so native plants can compete..
the Cape loves water so I went up to the creeks to check it out..I come up here to mediate from time to time under the shade of a great oak tree...see the little bench...nearer my God to thee
one of the myths is that Cape Ivy grows and strangles native coastal oaks...coastal oaks have plenty of problems to contend with, but Cape Ivy is not one of them....Ivy does crawl up things and some trees, but it mostly is a ground cover and any tree it hangs onto is usually a dead one! you can see that just by going out and observing...all living things have a natural life and death cycle
the idea from Reed is that armies of weedwackers should go and spread GLYPHOSATE on the landscapes, in the creeks and anyhwere Cape Ivy grows to lessen the anxiety of the native-only cult! in reality, Glyphosate is acutely toxic to fish and birds and can kill beneficial insects and soil organisms that maintain ecological balance.
I will wrap myself in Cape Ivy and stand in the middle of the creek to stop them!!
Don't forget our local genius who cut the reeds at the bird refuge and caused the Zachary stench!
I'd like to wrap Jill in Cape Ivy...hmmmm
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