Saturday, September 1, 2012

Joe Hill

The copper bosses killed you, Joe,
They shot you, Joe," says I.
"Takes more than guns to kill a man,"
Says Joe, "I didn't die,"
Says Joe, "I didn't die."

now the reason we still have unions is so employers don't take advantage of workers...would employers ever take advantage of their employees? naww!

unless you happened to work for ENRON...then more IRA because the CEO stole it! or the News-Press..getting fired or discriminated against for unionizing...

or Boeing..."Boeing's proposal to cut retirement benefits was made just days after the company reported second-quarter net income soaring to $967 million, up $26 million from the first quarter," union leaders said in a statement on SPEEA's website.

if your company profits, you need to share those profits with the employees that helped make it happen!! simple economics

now, back in the 60s, if you were a farmworker you were treated like cattle...until Cezar Chavez and Dolores Huerta organized the Farm Workers union and led a boycott of grapes...I've never picked a grape in my life except from the grocery store produce section, but I've done plenty of  other labor and know that employers hold no dominion over the worker...and yet they still try...but as long as we have folks like Dolores, the fight will continue...and she's a fighter... and although she's 82 now, she's much more cogent than poor ol' Clint...

and locally, I know the reason the white majority on the schoolboard changed the name of the Cezar Chavez school was racism and it's outrageous....

Dolores has been called a radical socialist you know I wish someone would call me that! but she's been arrested and beaten for trying to improve working conditions for farmworkers...folks who as far as I'm concerned are citizens of the United States..we asked them to come over during WWII and help on the homefront doing whatever..they didn't need a visa or greencard..they just came over and worked..then the Americans got soft and refused to do any dirty work so the farmworkers stayed and did it for us....and now to the conservatives, they are the enemy which is why unions and union members all across America, my America, need to stand up and fight for democracy and drive out the religious rightwing kooks in November..ok!!

we could build big gas chambers and ovens and have us a little rightwingie BBQ..if they love their Jesus so much, let's send 'em packing!!!

now of course the president can't get you a need to go out and find one yourself and most understand that...there is no work that is beneath you because work is divine...idle hands and minds are the devil's workshop....

take a look at Dolores from the sixties till now..the story is written on her beautiful face....

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