but then I read a little closer and it is a separate company from Mo..Todd Akin's land.. Missouri...and they seem to like FOX News but are "employee friendly" and operate their company with green values...I guess I'll reserve judgement until I see what happens..and you gotta love businesses coming into Santa Barbara besides Chick fulla Hate....
and I know that watching TV destroys brain cells and turns people into idiots, but it's a choice and at least I am a happy idiot!
now I wonder if Wendy will sue the NPG for using her paper's name in its title....well why not!
well I hope that the new company won't report on the number of car crashes in Oxnard and get down to some real reporting and real stories without fear or favor of friend or foe....when the News-Press was a good paper that's the way it reported stories without fear or favor of friend or foe..that was the motto, but since Wendy bought it she fires people for reporting about her pal Rob Lowe!! and we get endless mind- rotting stories about the goodie- two shoes Douglas family...we never hear the real stuff about the drugs and arrests and murders, I say MURDERS, in the News-Press family, do we?
well maybe now we will!
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