now as far as the News-Press lackey Andy Caldwell being pro union/worker...well nice try but no we got the election on Tuesday and there's Prop response to propositions is to vote no unless a cute gal propositions me... Prop 30 is the exception which will get a yes...but Prop 32 will get a no of's designed to take way the union vote..the consolidated vote by public workers..that's all...if you read the bill, it exempts insurance companies and billionaires so they can give as much as they will create more bureaucracy and waste money trying to implement's just another lame attempt to bust unions!!
from the web: Masquerading as a measure to get "special interest money" out of politics, Prop 32 is in reality the latest pet project of the Koch Brothers. I believe it is designed specifically to silence nurses, teachers and other workers in the political process, ensuring that the voices of lobbyists for big corporations and billionaires are the only ones heard in Sacramento.
Craig McCaw $75,000.00 Oct. 2, 2012 Oppose Prop. 30 Support Prop. 32 Eagle River Inc. Executive
Americans For Responsible Leadership $11,000,000.00 Oct. 15, 2012 Oppose Prop. 30 Support Prop. 32 2
Charles Thomas Munger, Jr. $10,000,000.00 Oct. 25, 2012 Oppose Prop. 30 Support Prop. 32 Charles Thomas Munger, Jr. (Self -Employed) Physicist
how does a "self employed Physicist" afford to give ten million dollars to this initiative???
these are the few wealthy conservative individuals who bankroll these initiatives against the working what are they afraid of??? as we've seen Wendy has a fear of unions that is pathological and that's why the News-Press wants a Yes on Wendy can continue to give large sums of money to her candidates..and Craig McCaw is just as bad as Wendy and apparently dumber since he lost a fortune to her!!!
and they are against same unions that represent cops, firefighters, nurses and teachers..the blue collar working class backbone of America...the rightwingers hate these people until they need them like when Hurricane Sandy see how fatboy Jersey gov Chris Christie is slobbering all over Obama now...actually I thought is was endearing! now I'm a fan of Big Boy and I hear Michelle Obama is gonna help Christie with his weight issues....instead of 50 Big Macs for lunch, it's only 17!!
but make no mistake, the less Wendy and her wealthy trustfunders hear from the working class, the better....
now unions of course are not necessary in all working environments...some businesses or gov't agencies get along fine without them..but the reason unions exist is to balance the power between employer and employee should that balance become upset by corruption or avarice...
public service.... not servitude
there are no forced dues in unions as the rightwingers want me to believe...if a work place has a union shop and you hire on, that means everybody will be paying dues..if you hate unions then you will be paying a smaller maintenance fee than me..the union negotiates contracts on your behalf and they don't work for free, so if you benefit from a small raise in the new contract and refuse to pay a maintenance fee, my dues are going to pay for you!! in other words, you become a freeloader..a parasite...the bottom line is you gotta pay your gotta man or woman up at some time in your life, so why not now???
and another myth is that unions contribute more than anyone else to candidates....the fact is if the union represents 500 workers and contributes $50000 to a pro-labor candidate, it boils down to $100 per worker contributing to a campaign....contrast that with $50000 given by Brooks Firestone to someone like Mike Stoker...Prop 32 will continue to allow that
with unions people are simply pooling their resources to ensure the working class gets a good deal... a good wage, a secure retirement and health benefits...every working person is America should demand the same and it's up to you to get your share, if you're big enough to take it...
now when Andy Caldwell suggests that Das Williams and the Teachers' Union want to protect sexual predators, you know that the rightwingers are not playing with a full deck, especially when the rightwingers didn't protect the Boy Scouts from pedophile scoutmasters or children from Catholic priests because the church and Boy Scouts don't have unions!!
and the bill
SB 1530 was an hysterical reaction to the scumbag teacher in Miramonte who abused kids...that dude is gone..he was arrested by the cops...the Miramonte School administrators are responsible for their district, and they failed miserably..a senate bill won't change anything becasue the laws are already on the books..the Teachers' Union did not protect a pedophile but they will protect due process under the Constitution!!
so the issue is power..some rightwingers will say and do anything to get power because for them it's a drug....right Craig??
So where's Randell Van Wolfswinkel when we need him? His Preserve Our Santa Barbara was a hoot. And let's not forget Michael and Arianna Huffington. Geez, Mick, this election's so boring I'm about ready to ... sigh ... where's my whine, er, wine. Oh, nevermind.
boring??? wassa matter with could be one day away from total commie/socialism and you're bored!!??
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