Saturday, June 21, 2014

She's About a Mover

she was walking down the street, lookin' fine as she could be

so I'm out walking on the Bluffs in Carp on Friday and it's beautiful....the ocean is calm and people are out and about...about a mover

first I see something I've never seen before...this lady with big sexy white legs and a shorty short black dress or whatever it was...her ass was hanging out and within reach if the damn kids weren't there!!

then I see some hippie-types in the grass area...I'm at the top of the bluffs and they are too but on the other side of the railroad tracks..I'm grooving on the ocean..

the hippeis got something on their backs and they are spraying the ground..I watch them for awhile, two chicks and a guy...

I wonder what the hell they are doing so I take some pictures...oh I hope they are not spraying poison on the non-natives..I hope that's not the case because if it is, you might read in the News-Press about three dead people on the bluffs killed by a crazed blogger...

I took some deep breaths and calmed down and went over there and axed them "is that poison you're spraying on the ground?"

the chick says "no, it's water..these containers have water"

"water?" I asked with a snicker

then the guy says he's just trying to get some native plants to grow in the drought...

I look at him square in the eye and I says "the non-natives are just fine..they attract all kinds of cool animals..just leave them alone and let them grow!" I figured they were actually spraying some concoction to kill the weeds....

then they giggled....giggled!!..

the bluffs are not someone's personal leave them alone!! some plants will grow in the drought and some won't....some will go dormant, some will die...and the plants that thrive here are salt tolerant like the tamarisk...because the bluffs are right close to the ocean if they hadn't noticed...

I walked away shaking my head...for effect

damn hippies


Axing U said...

Um, I believe the nice lady is wearing a one-piece swimsuit.

You don't want Tamarisk as it is highly invasive especially in riparian habitats. It will actually devoid the area of what is left of our native species.

Mick Von Caw said...

nonsense, she's wearing a tu-tu...and yes I do want is not "highly invasive"...native cultspeak..

Tamarisk is quite beautiful and the birds love it...and so do I