now here's some irony ....the News-Press has been going on and on for years about the evils of unions, both public and private....Wendy has used Lanny Ebenstein to denigrate unions and the public know, the first responders during 9/11 and the Boston bombings among others....indeed, there is a war against the working class..a war against labor....against the folks who built this country!!!
the reasoning was the public unions negotiate fat contracts and benefits for workers that the private sector doesn't have....well, that's nonsense...the public and private sectors are different..the job types, requirements, logistics ...all different
the public sector is not profit driven; the best way to save money in gov't is to cut the fat...but compensation should never be political
the private sector is profit driven so they cut corners...why even Wendy has to cut corners..she recently took away employee benefits like company life insurance, disabilty and vision plans...even the crew who tried to decertify the union for Wendy got screwed! I think Gerry Fall the Sports guy who kissed up to Wendy got his benefits pulled! OUCH!!
excellent benefits? |
but Lanny was trying to get initiatives on the ballot to stop collective bargaining for the over-paid public sector..all this is politically motivated of course but the irony is as the News-Press fixes to die, and Lanny's not writing guest editorials, the Supreme Court may try to weaken public unions this week...last I heard was Lanny as trying to get a job at the Santa Barbara sewer treatment plant..the pay and bennies are good, but the City said no...Lanny didn't even know what a crescent wrench was!!!
on the Supreme Court docket is whether unions can take dues (maint fees) from freeloaders: Supreme Court will make its most important ruling in labor law in decades next week when it weighs in on a right-to-work case that could determine whether non-union workers can be compelled to pay public sector union dues.
Courts for years have recognized the rights of unions to ask non-members to pay dues for union negotiating costs, but a group of home healthcare workers in Harris vs. Quinn are challenging dues they pay to a branch of the Service Employees International Union as a violation of free speech...
Scalia actually has voted in favor of public unions in the past so he may be the swing vote this time around..Tony and I will eat at Petrini's, drink wine, have some loud fun and then go cut the heads off some Hope Ranch horses...just for laughs!!! Paisano!
no, I don't think the Supremes will rule for the right to work scabs and freeloaders....these fucks can always work for the non-union shops where raises are so easy to come by..oh, I just heard that the Supremes voted in favor of the part-timers, the freeloaders......but if the scabs don't pay maint fees, then they shouldn't get the raises negotiated by the unions... either way, the unions will still have plenty of power and won't be gutted....
I heard that Wendy hasn't given any raises in 8 years... all the guys who lined up thinking Wendy would take care of them for trying to bust the unions, just got busted themselves..
and the Wichita Lineman, is still on the line...
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