Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Stuck Inside of Mobile, With The Memphis Blues Again

oh mama, can this really be the end?

no I don't have a vagina but I admire those who do...imagine being stuck inside a vagina with the Memphis Blues and having to be rescued by German firefighters...someone once suggested twice that Lois Capps might be a Nazi and looking at her steel cold blue eyes, blonde hair and angular cheek bones, I would have to agree that Lois is indeed a Nazi..she just doesn't care about anybody or ennathin except winning elections....typical Nazi

but I'm not interested in Lois...her daughter Laura however...hmmm....very nice

but ok so I see an American exchange student got stuck in a giant stone Vagina sculpture..in Germany


actually the guyn looks Mandarin but whatever....the point is he got stuck between a rock and a foopa..... like a billion other men...

and here I sit so patiently trying to find out what price, you have to pay to get out of going through all these things twice....

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