Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hello I Love You

let me jump in your game...

so I go into Trader Joe's in Santa Barbara and grab some stuff then see a pretty tall lady and scramble over to her check out lane...she's all smiling and laughing and flirting...not with me, but with the check-out guy..

Miss Universe..UNIVERSE!!

after she leaves he says she's a former Miss Universe, not Miss America or Miss World, Miss UNIVERSE!! which one he didn't say, and their kids went to school together and blah blah blah..I didn't care about his story, I was interested in I grabbed my groceries, olive oil, trail mix and 15 bottles of wine, and hopped out of the store and followed Miss Universe...not in a stalking way..our cars were in the same general area..the parking lot...

I watched her for a awhile and from a distance she looked like Howard Stern..tall and lanky but then I saw her face and Howard disappeared...

she loaded her bags into a new white Mercedes...she was clutching a little dog in her arm and they both seemed to be in a world of their own...

a world I can't even begin to imagine....

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