Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cathy's Clown

here he comes, that's Cathy's clown

Dear Scott

as requested, here's a copy of some of the emails I been emailing out Cathy

Dear Poder,

hey guys that Scott is a funny looking dude ain't he...he looks like that big fat Boy Scout child molester Al Stein!  see ya at the protest! Cath

Dear Marty

wut up bitch! Wendy's got her panties all twisted up around Nipper's head!! LOL Cathy

Dear Fidel

I'm so happy I can visit you commies and smoke cigars without fear of being labeled a and Ted Cruz will be down soon! Revolucion amigo!!in solidarity Cathy

Dear Dale,

I sit next to you on the City Council..would you please stop farting every five you get off on that dude?? Cathy M

Dear Don,

why'd the illegal cross the border?? to get to the other side!! HAAhahahah! love, Cathy

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