Thursday, January 1, 2015


down by the Green River, where Paradise lays

first of all: Happy New Year...2015!! where the hell am I, in Switzerland? Holy Fuck, it's cold inside and outside...colder than a well-digger's pillows are stuck to my face because the snot froze!! geez

but you know, every New Year since Wendy bought the News-Press, she publishes some front page wisdom to impart to her's usually as cuckoo as a cuckoo, but I like to provide commentary on Wendy's commentary...that's my duty, to provide some clarity to her muddled thinking...and my hope is someday soon stealing Wendy away from Nipper and having access to all her cash!

ok so I read Wendy's News Year's front page editorial and started laughing..her take on reality is so much different than mine..and boy oh boy is she ever negative!! and cynical!!

according to Mrs. McCuckoo and her statistics, Santa Barbara is in the throes of a crime wave and you SB folks don't seem to care any more! like Geneva Switzerland...they don't care anymore about graffiti..

Wendy says the residents in SB need to obey the law to return the streets to the friendly place they once were..and she doesn't like pot being smoked on State Street...seems the fumes waft up to the perch in the News-Press Tower...
Crime Fighting Tips

Wendy says: one way to make a difference is to report suspicious activity in your neighborhoods to the police and sheriff's dept..and she tells you all to pick up some trash on the sidewalk (hey I did that last night on New Year's Eve and took her home!!)


and lastly, Wendy advises that you can make a citizen's arrest if you spot some illegal behavior....

so Wendy, how many members of your nutty Team Wendy have been in trouble with the law? and how many times have you rushed to protect them?? and what about your little labor crime spree??

book me a flight to Zermatt!


Anonymous said...

Oh how original. Doesn't she mean to say "keep snotty barbara snotty" <<< paraphrasing that View website.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear publisher, you're so paranoid. What does a person who lives on a Hope Ranch estate behind three layers of armed security have to worry about from a couples kids smoking dope downtown? I guess State Street isn't the nice hermetic pampered world she's used to. Pathetic and (based on her writing) somewhat dimwitted.

"Oh how original. Doesn't she mean to say "keep snotty barbara snotty" <<< paraphrasing that View website."

No, she means "Arrest More Chicanos!"