Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Troublesome Waters

Troublesome waters, much blacker than night, / Are hiding from view, the harbour's bright light

hey Lucy is taking a hiatus from writing her propaganda in the Sentinel and SB View...but she tells us she's running for the Santa Barbara city council and everyone loves her and the mural she painted on the westside..I mean everyone she talks to just loves her! so she'll win...

I think Lucy's got a grandiose personality, a narcissistic personality disorder disorder...like Wendy! like me! we think the world revolves around us

speaking of grandiose, now that gay marriage is the law, conservatives have been running around like headless chickens trying to figure out what to do..well I got a small insight

the GOP is dead as a doornail...having hitched the wagon to the Jerry Falwell homophobic evangelicals, they have descended into irrational claims about the past...the News-Press carries David Limbaugh's crazy column. and according the Rush's bro, the reason gay marriage is the law is because the left has indoctrinated us over the years with public schools, universities, movies, TV shows and pop culture...I admit I don't know what best boys or key grips do, but I've never been indoctrinated by watching a movie!

if these phony Christians really followed the bible, they would only part by death, not divorce...so they are hypocrites...and Brooks Firestone says that although conservatives will have a hard time with the gay marriage thing, they should move on..of course Brooks throws in a few elbow pokes to the ribs admonishing the inappropriate ruling form the Supremes..

but this is to be expected..the GOP suffers from an inferiority complex..the bibles offers help in Luke12: 6/ 7: Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

now every bible has a Dictionary-Concordance...the Bible dictionary gives you the special meaning of words as used in the Bible and as generally understood in church usage

this simply means that the Bible defines words somewhat differently than say the American Heritage Dictionary...

the Bible's meaning of marriage is the "joining of man and woman as husband and wife; a ceremony or sacrament of the Christian church"

the American Heritage Distionary lists various meanings including "wedding, wedlock, a close union

yes the gays are creepy but who are we to judge? and now they can marry, but not in the Christian church as a ceremony or sacrament...it doesn't exist in the church so it can't be recognized in the church...that's not discrimination, that's just an abomination within the church

there is a distinction between homo marriage and hetero marriage ~

there's the  legal definition of marriage and the bible's definition of marriage

and never the twain shall meet

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