whenever I watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it calms me down..I feel an inner peace..maybe it's because I don't speak Chinese..I love it when people talk and I can't understand them....it takes all the social pressure off.... or maybe it's the actresses, Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi... so pretty and their battles are cool..and the flying..that's how I fly in my dreams....that's exactly how I fly...

in keeping with my spiritual relevations, I was dreaming about Machu Picchu.. on a mystical mountain range in Peru sits an old Inca citadel called Machu Picchu and I started to plan my trip..oh sure I could just call a travel agency and get some bubbly blonde to book me a flight and reserve a hotel room..but I wanted more..or less
I needed to get there but other means...I was dreaming of misty mountain ranges and religious experiences other than sex with an 18 year old Asian girl..now that would be HEAVEN!! I tell ya, I'm getting tired of these freeze-dried cranky old American chicks
but anyway I was driving around and Providence found me again...a bus on the side of the road for sale..an old BlueBird....I pulled over and got out and stared in wide wonder at it... it was all tricked out with California mojo...have you ever looked inside one of these babies? the cockpit is supercool, there's stairs, not just steps...there's mirrors everywhere and big windows....you can see everything..and it's built like a tank..the steering wheel is big and round and confident...
ok so I wanna buy it and when I do, I can drive to Peru in about a month I would guess...there's no Operation Iraqi Freedom going on and we haven't invaded Peru yet but with Trump in control, we may find a reason so the sooner I get there the better
the Pan- American Highway sounds as cool as Route 66 so how can I lose?? I know there's an isuue with travel thru the Darién Gap but the Bluebird is modified and doubles as a chopper with one flip of the toggle switch... and I can just fly over Darien Gap
I need to get to a place where I can hear the water dripping....my heart beating like a metronome
and fly in my dreams again