it looks likes WENDY ACTUALLY WROTE a fuming editorial about the four owls killed by teenagers in Lompoc and boy did she let loose on them...I think though that she's really mad at me for confronting her and Nipper at the Garden Party! Wendy screams and I quote: "only a moron would expect any sane person to believe that crap" to the excuse given by the boys as to why they killed the owls..they said it was a mercy killing...who knows? was Wendy there? I wasn't...and she goes on to plead: make this a felony! sign petitions!! and of course #69 has a petition for you to sign....
the boys in question are at an age where killing animals is not unusual....learning about life requires killing..I snuck up on two doves once and shot them from behind when I was 16...plugged 'em both...dropped 'em..dressed them and we ate them...of course, as you grow you learn what and when you should kill; feeding polywogs to snapping turtles was fun as kids..the turtles ripped those suckers apart..there was blood everywhere!! as you grow up, you learn about life and what you should and shouldn't do...and unless you decide you enjoy killing and become a psychopathic murderer, a kid growing up should not be a crime...and Wendy calls the boys "killers" and "murderers" ....animals aren't
murdered, people are.....BTW guys, I'd sue the News-Press for slander or libel or words I never heard in the bible!! go for it!! so Wendy has lost all perspective if she had any to begin with ...and now she is taking her faux- rage out on two teenage, they shouldn't be prosecuted or executed; they shouldn't be in jail ..
the NPS and Nature Conservancy ADULTS are the ones who should be learn from adults... and if adults are shooting pigs and wolves from helicopters, killing non target species like hawks and owls by poisoning an island with black rats on it, why pick on the kids??
For ecologist Josh Donlan, director of the nonprofit Advanced Conservation Strategies, there was no question that the last few eagles should be shot. Donlan works frequently on islands, where interventions are often aggressive. He tells the story of Anacapa Island, a Channel Island whose tiny size and rocky face made it inhospitable to foxes. Non-native black rats were the problem there: The Park Service feared they were eating the eggs of the rare Xantus murrelet (named for the same Xantus who gave the spotted owl its Latin binomial), preventing it and other birds from nesting. After taking populations of the native deer mice into captivity and relocating most raptors, the Park Service spread rodent poison, knowing that some falcons, owls and hawks would die from eating the toxic rats.... now there's a crime....covering Anacapa Island with poison...
the point is simply: boys.... don't do this anymore..take some biology courses, and spend your future fighting the hypocrites like Wendy McCuckoo, the Nature Con and the National Parks Service..all who sanction killing in the name of biodiversity and money.... and boys, if you are prosecuted, you can use the non-native defense.... just tell them you thought the owls were invasive....and you'll be hailed as heroes.....
I too immediately assumed the mad queen of Hope Ranch had written the rabid editorial. No one else could use "crap" in a paper that refers to arch criminals as "mister". Maybe we should be grateful she isn't insisting on killing non-native Californian humans like us or Mexican workers!
What about the News-Press rats? Do the lethal snap traps Wendy has her minions set in the basement of her deteriorating dungeon count as mercy killing machines? Doesn't #69 care about rats? Wendy McMooMoo, Baron Von Weasleburger, Baby Beluga Steepleton and Don (Anal) Scrape-age are the last people who should be pontificating about abusing the weakest. Cut medicare, save the animals. Fire workers in contravention of federal labor law and pay a less than living wage to those that remain, but send #69 $1 million? Better to give #69 a gift certificate to the Adult Store. One billion dollars has made Santa Barbara Wendy's bitch. Carry on, bitches. She loves dogs so you should be okay.
Maybe someone can photograph those rat traps.
Maybe a good way for kids to learn about death -- and killing -- is to visit some of the overcrowded animal shelters in Ventura and Los Angeles counties.
If you support or subscribe to the News-Press you are supporting the vanity project of this hypocrite Wendy McCaw. Loves animals yet fires 40-year plus workers at her company at the drop of a hat because she hates unions. Runs campaigns of terror against others. Refuses to pay her workers, but pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to eat a veggie sandwich with warmonger Dick Cheney so she can brag about it on her yacht to the similarly closed-minded. Puts only syncophants and the slease of Santa Barbara into positions of power since they'll bend their morals and integrity to her dollars whims and hires nothing but future John Birchers from her Young Republican club to write her biased news. Look next week for her tee-shirts going on sale of Obama with a monkey's body.
wendy, wendy, wendy ... why can't you just take your money and get a boob job? or would you rather get GOP sycophants elected so they can legislate away the gravity that has caused you to become such a matronly skank ho?
I suppose the boys could have left the hay bales for the owlets and let the horses starve.
Mercy killing is better than leaving the birdies for the bitches (dogs like Wendy and #69).
I am shocked at this whole slander campaign against these boys. Wish I could say more. Today's article (4/23) was the kicker...they listed both boys names again and cited one boy turned 18 on Thursday. I know for a fact he is not 18 yet. That was false. The parents of the boys have been adimant with the News Press to not publish names as they are minors and recieving death and harm threats from the fallout from the News Press articles and also the lame petition started. Does this subject really deserve front page attention 3 times and a big section in the opinon section?
I know both of these boys personally and know they are good kids, good students, hardworking,and never as much as a speeding ticket! They are country boys who did what they thought was right at the time. They were forced to close thier Facebook and MySpace pages due to these 'animal activists' copying LEGAL HUNTING pictures.
It is nice to see some support for these boys here for a change!
I support the News-Press on this. Smashing four baby owls with a 2x4 (and it was seen by neighbors) and the remains inspected by a Fish and Game warden, is outrageous. As for the names, they've been well-known throughout the community and the company, Jacobsen Hay & Feed, was delivering hay to an animal sanctuary which is where this crime (per CA Penal Code Section 597 - and also in violation of the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act.!
If killing baby birds with a 2x4 is what these young men think is merciful, I hate to think what else they think is right.
Regardless of the teens' innocence or guilt, Wendy McCaw is using the newspaper to vilify them. This is so unethical. The News-Press, she has told readers, must "report without bias and we must be balanced in our coverage." Look in the mirror, Mrs. McCaw.
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