to be or not to be....
so I got a reply from the Lompoc District Attorney McBeth about the owls sittuation...I asked him why he didn't prosecute the Nature Con or National Parks Service for killing thousands of animals, including owls, in the name of biodiversity...he said he couldn't comment on the Channel Islands killings or the News-Press bias and that his office prosecutes cases brought to him by law enforcement; he said that any newspaper story on the owls, such as the News-Press, would have no bearing on any case brought before him....Jim Solis, the Fish and Game warden has not responded to my email..and the petition from #69 to create a registry for animal abusers needs 20000 signatures but only has gotten 1300 so far...this whole issue should be dropped immediately....
in a move that will surely piss off outfitters like LL Bean and Cabellas , some states,thanks to the Dept of Fish and Game, are starting to ban felt soled waders...these shoes are popular among anglers in rivers and streams, but the Fish and Game folks think they are an environmental hazard! they say the waders spread algae known as rock snot: The soles, valued by anglers as sure-footed protection in slippery places, can trap spores and larvae of non-native plants and animals, allowing the invaders to hitchhike by shoe from one stream to another.
I'll have more on this later but as you can see, folks have gone over the edge with nativism..this could be the silliest thing vis a vis biodiversity that I've ever seen... but we'll have some fun with it later!!
yes, it's true...Nipper hs joined the common folks and moved his forum at to Facebook due to the Russian Spam that took over the old site.. I guess Wendy wouldn't spring for a new web host!! Facebook..hey, maybe that's where the News-Press is headed!!
the fat lady finally sang...
week after week, fat lady Nancy Crawford Hall owner of the Santa Ynez Valley Journal has been promising evidence of voter fraud, specifically from unions..week after week Nancy has been saying stay week she'lll have more.. be will all be brought to light...then finally on Thursday, she gives us the big proof: NOTHING!! ZIP!! NADA!!...
and she blames the gov't: We would have presented this to you a couple of weeks ago, but we wanted to make sure that you could learn what we have discovered about voting in Santa Barbara County and then express your opinion directly to your elected representative.
Unfortunately, we have discovered that our government employees have made it virtually impossible for the ordinary citizen to communicate with them. Why is this? Do they not want to hear from us? It certainly seems so as you can no longer email directly to a representative but must go through some unknown clearinghouse first. So do they actually ever see your emails or faxes? I wonder. I keep thinking that there is a huge garbage can under the fax machine so that they don’t ever have to be bothered with our thoughts. How does that make you feel? It doesn’t engender good feelings for me.
then she gives a link to a lame video on Youtube about voter fraud???? she couldn't just admit she had nothing, and instead kept firng blanks at the working class and students..pretty silly...but typical teabagger thinking.....
with gas prices rising and oil companies reporting huge profits while reaping tax benefits, people are starting to realize the unions ie, working class have nothing to do with the budget shortfalls..all that money is held by the big corporations and tax exempt non-profits....and you and I are paying for it....maybe Nancy and Wendy can do a story on that!!!
misdemeanor animal cruelty ... easier to go after these kids than to investigate violent crime against humans ... meanwhile the news-press vermin are being slaughtered in wendy's dilapidated dungeon and no one cares ...
Aren't you concerned about the Lompoc turkeys slain by abusive teenagers in dog costumes?
my main concern,Julia,is people use their freaking heads and stop blaming teens for everything..
from KSBY: Deputies now say it appears nearly two dozen turkeys found slaughtered at Nipomo High School may have been killed by dogs.
DOGS!! I love it!!
Julia, aka #69, beat the rap when Fish & Game filed on her a couple of years ago for orphaning two healthy mountain lion cubs when she captured them and removed them from the wild.
The DA's office was in the process of laying-off staff and didn't have enough personnel to move the case forward.
I'll sign the petition if #69 goes on the list for stealing those kittens from its mother. Hypocrite!
mick: you will be happy to know that i and some friends have for the better part of the past two years been live trapping small animals — rabbits, moles, voles, von weaselbergers, squirrels, three homeless people and yes, rats, and surreptitiously releasing them onto the grounds of wendy mcmuumuu's hope ranch estate. we have successfully relocated literally hundreds of the critters to her de facto sanctuary ... i know she would want it that way.
oh...I just love you Laguna Blanca kids!!
"Wiith gas prices rising and oil companies reporting huge profits while reaping tax benefits, people are starting to realize the unions ie, working class have nothing to do with the budget shortfalls..all that money is held by the big corporations and tax exempt non-profits....and you and I are paying for it....maybe Nancy and Wendy can do a story on that!"
When pigs fly. I think anyone who pays Dick Cheney $200,000 to sit and be bored by her dull small talk over dinner has sympathies that lie elsewhere than with the working class. And then there's the news director, The Kaiser, and Chief Stooge Scott Simpleton attacking any one in the public sector making a living wage daily in the paper. Heil News-Press!
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