so when the windy day brought to my attention that the News-Press covered the story of a woman who drowned in the early morning hours by the Harbor, I grabbed the Monday paper and read it...Scott Steepleton wrote the story and instead of writing his own story about a woman's sad death, he copied the police report and twisted it to reflect the New-Press bias against gov't workers!
If you are employed at a newspaper, I would think you would go out and investigate, do some interviews and write your story...Now I wasn't there at 4:00AM, so I don't know what happened, but neither does Steepleton, even though it seems he was there: The secondary headline says: "City work crews saw her in chilly water but waited half hour to act." The "but waited half hour to act" is editorializing. In the second sentence Scott uses the word "naked" twice, telling readers that "others apparently watched her splash around
naked in the chilly water for 30 minutes before calling anyone to help." What are you trying to suggest, Scott? That workers were getting their jollies watching a nude woman in the water? At 4 a.m. it's pretty dark out. How much could anyone see? And, according to the police report, she was swimming...
not that I'm surprised the News-Press would stoop this low...but if you report on a story about a young woman's life cut short by a sad drowning incident, that should be your focus...however, the News-Press bias against gov't workers has become pathological.... Steepleton is simply trying to score brownie-nose points with snooty Wendy...but little piece of should be ashamed of yourself...that as the shoddiest reporting I've ever seen...using this woman's death to editorialize against unions and city workers is are on my radar now... big time.. so watch out, big boy....we've only just begun... and the News-Press should start a fund for Chelsea's an apology...
You nailed him on this one!
"You should be ashamed of yourself...that as the shoddiest reporting I've ever seen...using this woman's death to editorialize against unions and city workers is pathetic."
All city workers, from the police to the sanitation workers should refuse to speak to that rag of a newspaper.
maybe it was parody, a la:,19793/
Anything Creepleton writes is a parody of responsible journalism.
I sometimes see him referred to as SS Steepleton. Sheepleton Scott Steepleton?
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