Monday, April 25, 2011

climb every mountain...

follow every rainbow..till you find your dream!

ok so what's up with Wendy's infatuation with Kathy Ireland?? all of a sudden, Ms Kathy is appearing every few months on the front page of the News-Press..well I think I know why....Wendy is in love with Kathy and here's how I know: Kathy looks sorty like Rob Lowe in a wig so there's a weird sexual tranference there and Kathy and Wendy dress up like animals when Kathy comes over to Hope Ranch and they run around the grounds like wood nymphs and that turns Wendy on! thank God I got Freud to help me figure these things out...

Kathy and know what,the advertisers and folks who willingly do stories with the News-Press should be ashamed of themselves.....I'm half thinking to call a boycott of the businesses who advertise in the News-Press..then they'll really be in the dark!! btw, the dufus in the N-P TV commercial by the lamp shade is Fred Mariea, the director of advertising...should be the director of false advertising!!

anyway...these two bitches, Wendy and Kathy, are starting to give me a headache, but as I'm watching the Wizard of Oz last night and after weeping at the end of the Sound of Music earlier, I became manically optimistic that good will triumph over wickedness..and Wendy is, the next time I see her I will throw a cup of water on her and see if she melts....

ok...does Jesus know about Kathy's shady business practices with folks who do her dirty work... her use of sweatshops to make her line of clothing; or her exploitation of the Gee Bend quiltmakers in Alabama.....(google them)

Four Brooklyn garment factories, including one that produced clothing for a line that Kmart sells under the Kathy Ireland label, have been raided by law enforcement officials, and their owners and managers have been arrested for operating sweatshops, the Brooklyn District Attorney said yesterday.
One of the factories, at 900 60th Street in Sunset Park, made women's suits and jackets for the label of Ms. Ireland, an actress and model perhaps best known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
In a case that once more linked celebrity endorsements to sweatshops, Ms. Ireland expressed dismay yesterday at the charge that a shop producing for her line submitted workers to hazardous conditions and paid some less than the minimum wage.
Ms. Ireland said she would cooperate with the authorities against such practices involving her line, taking a posture similar to that of Kathie Lee Gifford, the television host, after a labor advocate disclosed that her clothing line, sold by Wal-Mart, was being made by children working long hours for low wages in Honduran factories.

remember Kathy, Jesus loves the little children, too....


Anonymous said...

I want Kathy Ireland to wash McCunt's feet on the front page. That would wrap up the holiday nicely.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous, that is perhaps the most disturbing thing i have read in quite some time.