Wednesday, February 6, 2013

stone free

to do what I want...

ok's noon on Wedneseday and I'm home...I put on some Hendrix and relax..oh I was at the jury room this morning at 9:30 am sharp..but we didn't get going till about 10:00 surprise there...I feel for all the folks who have to go thru the voir dire's not a bad process per se but needs serious four days I met some really nice folks...

but the lawyers and the judge seem to be in their own little world...perhaps my testimony can stir them up a bit...

anyway I get there and decide to park on Garden St in the Jury Parking lot! this way I avoid a ticket...

so we're all sitting in the room and Judge Brian Hill says one of the defense lawyers of one of the gangbangers may leave the case due to family issues..that may delay the trial another few days and the substitute lawyer was present to pick up the case when needed..ok that happens when trials are strung out too long..remember I said I believe in the right to speedy trial...the Santa Barbara Court system needs to embrace this concept...

so we pick up where we  left off from Monday's session...some jurors were dismissed and new ones called up...everyone was very polite and answered the questions as best they could..
as I've said, some of the questions were just lame and that infuriated me...but I kept that rage harnessed until they call my name..and they finally 11:15..
I walk up and sit down in the jury box...Hill says "Good Morning"...I replied in a sarcastic tone "Hiya Judge!"

I gave my name, occupation etc and then Judge Hill started with the questions...he asks me if I know anything about the case...I said's been in the papers and local media for two years..then Hill asks if I know anything about the case that I haven't learned from him..
my response rather forcefully was : I haven't learned a thing from you!!

whoa..that got some big laughs..the rafters shook...tears were falling down my fellow jurors faces...Hill looked surprised  and says "wow you sound like my wife!!"
he then asks if there's anything about the case that would not make me an impartial juror...I told him I have a bunch of issues and that I'd be a lousy juror....but I don't think Hill wanted to hear them..maybe he remembered me from the Peter Lance fiasco/hearing

then Hill looks at the lawyers and they all say they don't want me on the jury so I was dismissed!!  AWESOME!!
I quicky left the room and before I reach the exit one chick touches my arm and says "Good Job"!

that was one hell of a voir dire!

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